As a bootstrapper of 6 years who's ramen profitable, the main selling point for me would be the mentoring and the community. I think these are some of the things that make YC so strong. Because of this, TinySeed would actually be more appealing to me if it did require (or at least allowed) me to relocate for 1-3 months, to spend time very close to other founders and our mentors. I feel I could both learn more and create stronger connections that way.
I don't see what precludes niche desktop apps (software companies) from applying, in principle. Are only SaaS allowed? But no, I do not plan to apply with fman.
I’ve been meaning to try out the build system, and I suspect it’s worth paying for. I shipped a PyQt based app a few years ago and definitely lost a few weeks getting it to work.
Yeah. That's exactly the motivation why I created it. It simply cannot be that in 2018 we waste weeks - if not months - on things as fundamental as packaging, creating installers, code signing and automatic updates. It's unreal.