Well, I came to Google via an acquisition in 2010, I worked for years on the GWT (Google Web Toolkit) compiler, and related web compilation tooling. Then I switched to the Apps team (Inbox and Gmail) for a few years. Now I work in Research and Machine Intelligence.
I'm not on the Chrome audio team, but I have had experience with Chrome Audio, as I implemented an OpenAL layer for GwtQuake and the web version of Angry Birds for Chrome using it. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_sbusEUz5w for example PlayN, a cross-platform (Web, Android, iOS, Flash) library I worked on in 20% time, and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW--Wlf9EFs which details some early experiments with image processing, and the porting of Quake to Chrome in 2010.
Looks like you lived in Maryland too at one time. I grew up in Towson(now in Bel Air in Harford County) and all my family is here. I’d move out there for a dream job; inventing/building/designing interesting tech for a FANNG company. The road to there looks to be thru an acquisition.
I'm not on the Chrome audio team, but I have had experience with Chrome Audio, as I implemented an OpenAL layer for GwtQuake and the web version of Angry Birds for Chrome using it. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_sbusEUz5w for example PlayN, a cross-platform (Web, Android, iOS, Flash) library I worked on in 20% time, and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW--Wlf9EFs which details some early experiments with image processing, and the porting of Quake to Chrome in 2010.