This is the comment I left on the post (still moderating):
There is an extreme case of partition tolerance that must be considered: disconnected operation.
For users at the edge of the network, latency can be the biggest performance killer. If it takes 1 second or more for each user action to be reflected in application state due to round trip time (mobile web) those seconds add up and users can be frustrated.
However, if you move the database and web application to the mobile device itself, users no longer see network latency as part of the user experience critical path. Latency has been proven to be correlated directly to revenue, because users engage much more readily with snappy interfaces.
Once data is being operated on by the user on the local device, the key becomes synchronization. Asynchronous multi-master replication demands a different approach to consistency, than the traditional model which assumes the database is being run by a central service.
The MVCC document model is designed for synchronization. It's a different set of contraints than the relational model, but since it's such a highly constrained problem space it also admits of general solutions and protocols.
It's my belief that the MVCC document model is closer to the 80% solution for a large class of applications. Storing strongly typed and normalized representations of data is an artifact of our historically constrained computing resources, so it will always be a good way to optimize certain problems.
But for many human-scale data needs, schemaless documents are a very good fit. They optimize for the user, not the computer.
A quick summary follows the quick editorial and after that a quick new thought:
Editorial: Stonebraker is, imo, and as usual, Right Again. His biggest problem is that he's boring that way. He doesn't open his mouth in contexts like this but to be Right.
Summary: People say "No SQL is right because of the CAP theorem." The CAP "theorem" says of DBs that: Consistency, high Availability, or Partition-tolerance .... pick any two. Quite true! So one of the pro no-SQL arguments is that high availability and partition tolerance are often the priorities ... so toss out consistency! SQL assumes consistency. Thus you need No SQL. Stonebraker correctly points out that, hey, you know what? Partitions are pretty rare and tossing out consistency really didn't increase your accessibility average by much .... so you tossed out consistency for no reason whatsoever. If you think the Cap "theorem" justifies NoSQL... you're just wrong.
Stonebraker's rant is nearly boring because it makes such an obvious point.
New Thought: I don't think NoSQL is popular because of the CAP theorem. I think it is popular because it is easier to get started with (even if that means using it poorly) than SQL. SQL is a little hard to learn. It's a little bit awkward to use in some "scripting" language or other HLL language. NoSQL may be bad engineering in many of its uses ... but its easier. A lot easier. And, people aren't much asking about engineering quality until sites start failing often. Which a heck of a lot of them do but by then the NoSQL architects have collected their money and are out of town or else are still around but able to point fingers of blame away from the abandonment of ACID.
An ACID DB that gave a more simple-minded logical model than SQL ... including, sure, relaxing ACID constraints where that was really desirable ... could go a long way fixing the confusion around NoSQL.
p.s.: given a typical distributed NoSQL DB, one thing you could do is regard that as the "physical model", implement proper transactions, and build a library that gave you ACID properties. Build up a high level way of using that library so that you have a logical model of the data that is independent of exactly how it is laid out in the underlying thing.... and you've got a Codd-style DB. Great thing to do. SQL 2.0
Not all of the distributed NoSQL systems give up consistency. Notably, H-Base and, in certain scenarios, MongoDB, both offer consistent atomic reads and writes of one thing, be it a row, supercolumn, document or whatever.
You make a good point that NoSQL is about so much more than the CAP theorem. That doesn't mean there aren't a ton of people (some very smart) out there citing the CAP theorem as proof that you have to give up consistency to be "web-scale".
Yeah, there are three things in play (I would say):
1. The language design of SQL is often icky. A different logical language could be nice.
2. The logical / physical separation is sometimes right on and sometimes... not so much. At the very least, there doesn't seem to be One True Logical Model, hence exposing a physical model with transactions seems justified.
3. Often, people are quick to give up consistency and while that is not always the wrong thing to do, it's done more than it ought to be. But... a lot of people hacking up big sites and similar these days... their standards are low and the "customer's" tolerance for resulting bugs and glitches is startlingly high (for now).
All three of those get lumped under the "NoSQL" heading and it is helpful (I think) to tease them apart.
NoSQL may be bad engineering in many of its uses ... but its easier. A lot easier.
This sounds like a serious false economy. That's the story of our industry, though.
An ACID DB that gave a more simple-minded logical model than SQL ... including, sure, relaxing ACID constraints where that was really desirable ... could go a long way fixing the confusion around NoSQL.
As Stonebraker says, you can easily layer a key-value API on SQL. Or there's Berkeley DB; maybe they should rebrand it as Berkeley NoSQL.
Berkely DB is NoSQL under some, let's say literal, definitions of NoSQL.
neo4j currently is also such a db, a non sql db, a NoSQL.
Normally, though, people expect something more from this NoSQL "movement".
People want "scaling", and elasticity.
We live in the world where today you have 2 users, tomorrow you have 2 million of users, the day after you have only 1000. We also live in a world were people are expecting everything to be working always, and are pretty pissed of if things doesn't respond in seconds (watch Luis C.K
It's not a surprise that all this hype about NoSQL came out when a number of db implementation were developed which handled replication, sharding, dynamic resizing (add remove nodes) etc
Now put a little bit aside the issue with the word "SQL" per se. Let's focus on the "partition tolerance" feature.
I was always frustrated with the fact that no matter how great my product could be, how perfect the implementations would be, how great my db would be; if my machine/rack/datacenter or section of datacenter wen't down, switches break, network connectivity goes down etc. the users of my application are not able to use it, for them it's down.
This kind of NoSQL, the one that handles partition tolerance, gives you the hope that eventually you will be able to make great software, resisting to this kind of events.
I'm not sure whether by these tools (cassandra, riak etc) I would be able to write an application that actually works better, even in the other cases. Stonebraker is right when he says that there are other more probable causes of errors, and that probably the compromises imposed by the partition tolerance will make your software development so complex you will probably make a lot of other errors and make the production unusable.
But at least there's hope that by using this tools you can make things that survive severe conditions. At least this is why I think people get's so excited about all this.
He seems to assume a lot in this post, for instance his 200 vs 4 node comparison assumes that you have 200 nodes because the poor performance of your DBMS requires that many nodes. If that's the case, great, use voltdb. If not, it's perfectly reasonable to think that 200 nodes would have more network partitions than 4 nodes which is why one would pick an AP system in the first place.
Solving the problems of distributed systems is incredibly hard and not necessary if all you need is scalability and high availability. Better think of your problems in terms of engineering trade-offs and not distributed theory and understand what you are giving up and what this gains you.
When you decide to give up consistency, your application can no longer assume consistency ever. Giving up availability in case of network partition means few extra minutes of downtime a year.
I don't think he completely misunderstood distributed systems - I think he decided to completely side-step the entire field.
> Solving the problems of distributed systems is incredibly hard and not necessary if all you need is scalability and high availability.
Once one scales beyond a single node the system becomes distributed. Then by definition one must deal with distributed systems problems in order to achieve scale beyond the capabilities of a single node.
> When you decide to give up consistency, your application can no longer assume consistency ever. Giving up availability in case of network partition means few extra minutes of downtime a year.
Depends on the application. Giving up availability might mean cascading failures throughout your entire application. For instance if the datastore is unavailable for writes then any kind of queueing systems built around the DB (a common design pattern) run the risk of overflow during the downtime.
And I would make the argument that once an application scales beyond a single datacenter it cannot help but give up strict consistency under error conditions.
> I don't think he completely misunderstood distributed systems - I think he decided to completely side-step the entire field.
If he didn't misunderstand them then he is purposefully ignoring the hard problems. Which is worse?
> Once one scales beyond a single node the system becomes distributed. Then by definition one must deal with distributed systems problems in order to achieve scale beyond the capabilities of a single node
I meant that one doesn't need to solve the general problem of distributed systems.
Sharding is a common way to scale avoiding most of the problems generally associated with distributed systems. Scaling within LAN is easier than across data centers. You can assume no malicious traffic between your servers and suddenly solving the byzantine generals problem is far easier.
Purposefully ignoring really hard problems can be a very good engineering practice.
I purposefully ignored the tornado and so it did not hit my datacenter, tear off a section of the roof, kill all power sources, and drench my servers. Hard problems: solved.
Thanks! My app was in that datacenter too. I mean, it had replicated mongodb instances, and well balanced app servers, and nodes going away have no discernable affect on users. Turns out tho, that with all that distributed engineering, I didn't find out that the hosting company doesn't put your nodes in various data-centers. That tornado would have taken down my service during peak hours.
I know you will try to write that off as a "you get what you diserve" but I challenge you to go ask people if their apps would survive a tornado to the data-center. Many of them will say "sure its in the cloud!" Then drop the killer question on them... "How many different data centers are your nodes running on right now". Most will say "i dont know". Some will say "My host has many data centers" (note this doesn't answer the question). A few will actually have done the footwork.
Also, the scenario you describe is as easily mitigated with hot failovers and offsite backups. This probably qualifies as distributed engineering, but only is only the same as the above discussions in the most pedantic senses.
As MongoDB did not exist at the time, it seems unlikely. Such things happen more than we might like, of course!
"Also, the scenario you describe is as easily mitigated with hot failovers and offsite backups."
This is a sadly wrong, though common, belief. There is exactly one way to know that a component in your infrastructure is working: you are using it. There is no such thing as a "hot failover": there are powered on machines you hope will work when you need them. Off-site backups? Definitely a good idea. Ever tested restore of a petabyte?
Here's a simple test. If you believe either of the following are true, with extremely high probability you have never done large-scale operations:
1) There exists a simple solution to a distributed systems problem.
2) "Failover", "standby", etc. infrastructure can be relied upon to work as expected.
Extreme suffering for extended periods burns away any trust one might ever have had in either of those two notions.
First and foremost, the opposite of simple is not hard, it's complicated. There is not a correlation between the simple-complicated spectrum and easy-hard spectrum.
If you don't regularly press the button swapping your hot failovers and live systems, you don't have hot failovers, you have cargo-cult redundancy. It's like taking backups and not testing them. If you don't test them, you have cargo cult sysadmining.
Distributed is complicated, but not that hard, there are well understood patterns in most cases. Sure, the details are a bit of a pain to get right, but the same is true of alot of programming. I have done distributed systems. Maybe not google scale, but bigger than a lot, hundreds of nodes geographically distributed all over the place, and each of these nodes was itself a distributed system. I've dealt with thundering herds (and other statistical clustering issues), can't-happen bottlenecks, and plenty more. But each and every one of these problems had a solution waiting for me on google. Further, each and every one of these problems was instantly graspable.
A lot of distributed stuff just isn't that hard. Sure, things like MPI and distributed agents/algorithms can get pretty hard, but this isn't the same as multi-node programs, which isn't the same as redundancy.
Keep the smug attitude, I'm sure it helps you convince your clients that you are "really good" or some crap.
Im not intimidated. If anything, he should be more far, far more understanding of the point then: A simple fail-over model for a smallish database is completely different than a full blown EC2. In fact given that EC2 is a freakishly large example of distributed system, I would put it in a totally different class of product than the average "big distributed system".
Sharding puts you in the same risk category as any other distributed database. Just ask the engineers and ops people at twitter, foursquare, and any number of other web companies that have dealt with sharded databases at scale. Also: sharding is eventually consistent, except you don't get any distributed counter primitives to help figure out which replica is telling the truth.
There's a difference between what ops people see and what developers see. If the ops people have the same headache no matter what, why force the developers to think about consistency?
Good question! The answer is that the "If..." evaluates to false: ops (and by that I hope you mean something more than facilities staff) has a far simpler set of problems with which to deal when the software is designed, implemented, and tested in accordance with physical constraints. I, too, would like a gold-plated, unicorn pony that can fly faster than light, but in the mean time, I'm writing and using software that produces fewer operational and business headaches. Some of that includes eventually consistent databases.
I totally concede that most consistent databases at scale are crap on the ops people.
I would echo Mike's argument and claim that a nice ops story and true consistency are not totally orthogonal. There are a lot of practical reasons why the big database vendors have boiled their frogs and ended up where they are today.
VoltDB certainly isn't the realization of that dream, so I'll put my money where my mouth is and spend the next few years helping it get there.
There is an extreme case of partition tolerance that must be considered: disconnected operation.
For users at the edge of the network, latency can be the biggest performance killer. If it takes 1 second or more for each user action to be reflected in application state due to round trip time (mobile web) those seconds add up and users can be frustrated.
However, if you move the database and web application to the mobile device itself, users no longer see network latency as part of the user experience critical path. Latency has been proven to be correlated directly to revenue, because users engage much more readily with snappy interfaces.
Once data is being operated on by the user on the local device, the key becomes synchronization. Asynchronous multi-master replication demands a different approach to consistency, than the traditional model which assumes the database is being run by a central service.
The MVCC document model is designed for synchronization. It's a different set of contraints than the relational model, but since it's such a highly constrained problem space it also admits of general solutions and protocols.
It's my belief that the MVCC document model is closer to the 80% solution for a large class of applications. Storing strongly typed and normalized representations of data is an artifact of our historically constrained computing resources, so it will always be a good way to optimize certain problems.
But for many human-scale data needs, schemaless documents are a very good fit. They optimize for the user, not the computer.