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We detached this subthread from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18161289 and marked it off-topic.

GOTV in apps was fairly common during the Obama years as well.

In a democracy there is only one correct side in the “get more people to vote” and “get less people to vote” argument.

The fact that some think getting more people to vote is a partisan endeavor says more about the anti democratic leanings of one side of the partisan divide than anything else.


It is partisan because because people’s votes are predictable. An armed forces GOTV is going to benefit one side, an African American GOTV is going to benefit the other. Who a GOTV targets shows which side they are on.

Honestly, how did the mention of soft OKR, spread positivity, lead to post about elections? That a throwaway account was used tells a lot. Not being American, this kind of discours is troubling.

Preface:I'm my opinion all groups in politics currently are capable and engaging in propaganda. What I have seen lately here appears to come from one group

Hacker news appears to have recently entered the targets of the same sort of posters who pioneered the propaganda techniques used in r/t_d during the election. I keep seeing throwaway accounts bring up altright talking points that are barely related to the topic at hand if related at all. Here we have someone equating getting people to vote with liberal partisanship. The other day I had someone tell me the Republican party was the party of tolerance because white men let other people vote and then a continuing stream of wild claims[1].

People espouseing their viewpoint from any given side isn't the problem here, when they give evidence and backed up reasons. This group appears to just be pushing statements they want to be true with no evidence and trying to pull a Gish gallop[2] frequently to derail the conversation into their topics. Luckily the community culture here seems to catch this sort of behavior and kill it quickly

You'll have to set your account to see dead as the comment was flagged to death



What's next? Politicians informing people of their stances will now be seen as "influencing the outcome of elections"; an obviously unreasonable partisan tactic. If you tell someone what they should do -- or now even ask them to make their own decisions -- you're an enemy of democracy, I suppose. Funneling millions anonymously into super-PAC campaigns is ok, but telling people to vote... that's too much politics for a company.

Critical thinking also means analyzing your own biases, not just those of others.

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