I suppose my comment appears harsh if you haven't seen month after month of his "smartos solves every problem and linux users are too stupid to know how to computer properly" type comments. read the guys bio:
> There exist no words in any of the languages I speak which can express my hate of GNU and GNU/Linux.
> I was raised on IRIX, HP-UX and Solaris. Huge illumos / SmartOS fan and FreeBSD sympathizer.
It's hard not to attack someone personally when their entire persona is tied to promoting a particular technology every chance they get.
The funny thing is all of his comments do absolutely nothing to convince anyone that smartos is worth looking at, which is a shame because it's actually quite nice.
"There exist no words in any of the languages I speak which can express my hate of GNU and GNU/Linux."
And I stand by that statement: if I didn't, it wouldn't be on my biography. I think it's fair and honest disclosure, rather than philosophy and playing with words. I mean what I say and I say what I mean.
Still, ad hominem attacks on someone with an opposing view do little to further your argument; at best, it comes across as nothing but opinion.
For my part, I provided citations to make my point. I regret that you didn't seem to read through them before answering.
> There exist no words in any of the languages I speak which can express my hate of GNU and GNU/Linux.
> I was raised on IRIX, HP-UX and Solaris. Huge illumos / SmartOS fan and FreeBSD sympathizer.
It's hard not to attack someone personally when their entire persona is tied to promoting a particular technology every chance they get.
The funny thing is all of his comments do absolutely nothing to convince anyone that smartos is worth looking at, which is a shame because it's actually quite nice.