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Major League Hacking | New York City | Full-Time | Onsite | Developer Advocate, Program Manager, Community Manager, Marketing Manager + more

We empower the largest community of student developers in the world to help them become amazing hackers. Major League Hacking (MLH) works with developer community organizers across the globe to put on events in their community. We're a B-Corp that's been around for five years and work with 500+ events per year for 100,000 hackers.

We're hiring a number of roles, of interest:

- Developer Advocate - Work across all our teams to ensure we promote our sponsors' APIs and technologies to hackers in ways that are effective. Help develop activations, onboard new sponsors, and make updates to existing ones. An exciting role for someone with technical account management or developer relations experience. - Local Hack Day Program Manager - Build our three new global hack day events. Develop strategies for reaching hackers and communities across the world. Manage relationships with event organizers and help them create the best day for their community. - Localhost Community Manager - Manage relationships with workshop leaders and create a community amongst them, while ensuring they have access to great resources. Great for generalists with community focus. - Marketing Manager - Manage social media, newsletters, and our blog. A great full-time role for a marketing generalist.

We're hiring for these roles and plenty more: https://careers.mlh.io/

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