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Their code is using manual reference counting so it must have been taken before ARC was introduced on WWDC 2011.

Not necessarily; for the same reason many companies haven't jumped on Swift (specifically, not wanting to run all your hundreds of thousands of lines of code through a potentially buggy translator all the time), people didn't immediately jump onto ARC either. If I recall, that migration was far from painless. I remember some serious regressions introduced when I bit that bullet. Since all your code changed at once, tracking it down was hardly entertaining. IMO could have been anywhere from 2012 to 2013...

This code also appears not to be using automatically synthesized properties. On the left screen, they're directly accessing Ivars and their Ivars have trailing underscores rather than leading (the default when synthesized). I suppose they could be doing this anyways, though it wouldn't exactly be standard industry practice.

On the right Xcode screen, though, the code does use property syntax, so potentially ARC, although one doesn't imply the other.

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