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Docco, CoffeeScript, Underscore.js, and Backbone.js at DocumentCloud (jsconflive.com)
28 points by jsconflive on Oct 19, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Coffescript is really nice. We migrated a 3k javascript app to a 2.5k coffeescript one (lots of it automatically with an app specific script). We gained performance, we are much happier with our gui code now. Proper classes, generators, terser closures, ruby-like removal of inferable parenthesis, and lack of ';' is a big win.

It's nice to hear that CoffeeScript is nearing a 1.0 release very soon now. Not that the API changes all too often, but a 1.0 release signals that the language is ready for prime-time to both developers and to book publishers.

Can't wait for a CoffeeScript book.

I tried to move to Backbone.js but I'm not sure I like the style of coding it advocates. I ended up moving to KnockoutJS. I find knockout's data-binding and dependency tracking more elegant. For instance:

  <div data-bind = "style: color: color">Colored text</div>

  class SideBar
  	color: ko.observable("white")
  	promptColor: ->
  		cssColor = prompt("Please enter a CSS color:")

  sidebar = new SideBar()
  ko.applyBindings(sidebar, document.body)
This style works pretty well, even as the app becomes large. With backbone I was less sure where to put things and the syntax tended to be more verbose.

[fixed knockout=backbone]

Do you mean to say Backbone in your last sentence?

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