Humans have been making alcohol since prehistory. There are plenty of breweries, distilleries, and vineyards in Europe and Asia that have been continuously active for centuries.
True and it was never mass consumed and celebrated to this extent. Current situation is that despite the facts and knowledge, social pressure makes people drink. Despite the facts.
The facts are overwhelming and we shouldn't just keep consuming alcohol because muah cultur. Many alcoholics end up causing traffic accidents and require lots of state support in other ways. Just walk into ED on any Saturday/Friday night. I have done that
People used to be drunk constantly - why do you think 19th century temperance movements were such a cultural force? Alcohol consumption was staggering in the past, to a degree we would consider insane today. Naval everyday rum rations alone would be well above the guidelines of being considered an alcoholic.
Alcohol was consumed en mass more than it is now. Little kids would regularly drink. Often alcohol was drank instead of water for sanitation reasons. It's been a huge part of nearly every culture for thousands of years.
You seem somewhat unperturbed that the entire crux of your original argument was faulty... maybe time for an update on your priors? Don't mean to sound unfriendly :)
Unperturbed because I know the endgame on this :). World without alcohol is a better world. The arguments about the past. I can list down counter arguments. But that’s not the point. People often respond with emotions about alcohol consumption. Media brainwashing has done its job well.
Alcohol consumption in the past was necessity because of cold climate and manual labor. Alcohol is made from ethanol is made from sugarcane and is extremely calories rich. 100 gm beer contains 43 calories. One can contains 154 calories
It was quite fine in the past as most of the calories were burned due to harsh living conditions.
Fast forward to 21st century. We are hardly exposed to extreme cold. We live in extremely protected environments. From temperature controlled office to car to home. But we haven’t changed our drinking habits to reflect that.
Add to that mass media consumption due to profits. We have an epedicmic which can easily be prevented. 5% of all deaths are due to alcohol.
Just visit ED of any hospital on Saturday night if you want to see the ills for yourself
No doubt alcoholism is bad and shouldn't be encouraged. But there's a huge difference between ending up in the ER and having a craft beer on a Friday after work (and everything in between).
You are discounting the positive psychological benefits that can be attributed to alcohol. Even if it really is bad to ever drink, ever, it's not like you're going to instantly keel over and die, it's a very subtle effect if it's there at all. People will weigh that risk against the benefits they get from drinking and act accordingly.
One could say that a lot of these "soft limits" are already in place due to humanity's long relationship with alcohol. It's already not seen as a good thing to get black out drunk for instance...
Don’t get me wrong. Personal choice precedes everything. I do think however that there’s lack of information spread. And profit seeking encourage drinking and discount the ill effects.
Facts weigh against alcohol consumption and I hope people choose their, societal and environmental health