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I read this several times hours apart. Lots of information, thanks. I don't have many questions except this:

"Some microcontroller programs are only allowed a couple of KB of RAM (Go can't handle that)."

What in here...


...can't you possibly implement in only a couple of KB of RAM? (For what required feature or features can we say for sure that a couple of KB of RAM is insufficient to implement as specified?)

As it turns out, the only mention of the feature is in that link's introduction. The garbage collector (https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/runtime/mgc.go) makes many references to 4KB pages and 1MB arenas. This (the code and the user of the technique) would need some serious reconsideration for small devices.

Isn't the specification the actual language, and Google's compiler just one implementation? (That's true for C/C++.)

Is the specification underspecified or something? We're not talking about a syntactically huge language...

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