>Is it monday or tuesday? Or do we switch from monday to tuesday at different hour in each location?
Lets say we choose the UTC date time as the standard then it's the same utc date for, and switch from Monday to Tuesday at the same utc hour for everyone.
I think its nice and i hope someone out there working on this. They have my support.
As other poster said in this thread.. Let's say day switches at noon in your location. You and a fried decide to go out for lunch. Do you meet for lunch on monday or tuesday?
Does the day start with monday morning and ends with tuesday evening? Or is it monday evening in solar morning and tuesday morning in solar evening? Does morning and evening still hold any meaning? Or does morning and evening hours differ in every location?
Like with any other meeting, i will ask or provide with the specific time and location. Even with current situation, when someone invite me for lunch, I will still need to ask what time specifically.
>Does the day start with monday morning and ends with tuesday evening?
Its up to preference.
For some one who care about sun light, he/she might start their day during the sun rise whatever the the time is in that location.
>Does morning and evening still hold any meaning? Or does morning and evening hours differ in every location?
This one is hard to predict until it actually implemented
>Is it monday or tuesday? Or do we switch from monday to tuesday at different hour in each location?
Lets say we choose the UTC date time as the standard then it's the same utc date for, and switch from Monday to Tuesday at the same utc hour for everyone.
I think its nice and i hope someone out there working on this. They have my support.