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After gzipping none of the variants are that large, and let's be real: the 3rd party ads and analytics and cat pictures are gonna strictly dominate the load time.

Just because there is even more bloat being loaded from other sources doesn't mean that adding more bloat doesn't matter. This kind of mindset has brought us to exactly this point where modern web sites are loading more slowly than one from 20 years ago would have while using dial-up.

Cat pictures don't interfere with my ability to interact with the web page.

The 2MB+ of bloated, unoptimised JS that you ship with your page that I need to parse and render before I'm allowed to see the 20kb of actual content _does_ interfere with my ability to use the page.

The library in question is nowhere near 2MB. You're tilting at windmmills.

It also won't be the only dependency.

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