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> my younger cousins were busy texting the event to their friends. It was as if they were there, but not really there.

Sounds like they were meaningfully interacting with their friends.

Back before the internet, they'd have probably rushed inside and fought over who got to use the phone to call their friends first, and describe the incident outside over the phone to them.

Probably they'd be interacting with their fam who was there and in the moment and later they'd call up their friends about it.

> Sounds like they were meaningfully interacting with their friends.

That's a meaningful interaction to you - texting?

Why would you think it's not? What point are you trying to make? as it seems obviously a 'meaningful interaction' to communicate with someone. (disclosure: I don't have a mobile phone, have never sent a text)

Kids these days - texting, emailing, talking on the phone, writing letters, exchanging meaning through spoken words. Whatever happened to a good, clean round of picking bugs out of each other's fur?

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