Many people think that we are in a totally unprecendented time in history. So you "don't get to" use history to criticize their great and unique ideas ... that ... mostly are not entirely unprecedented or original.
Just like they did in the 60s ... and the 20s ... and during the French revolution ... and 100 times before and in between those ... Now don't get me wrong, there is something new everytime. Like pictures in the 20s. Recorded music in the 60 (the drugs, I'm afraid, date back longer than recorded history. Sure. Not the exact same drugs. The abuse of them, and the scale of the abuse). But especially don't compare today with the French revolutionaries, because someone might look up what the revolutionaries did once they got what they wanted (as if that's any guarantee the evolution now will be the same, but it is a possibility).
But No ! You keep hearing it's different this time. But we have Google now ! And it's the "first" time ever we see the evil of the church/faith. And we're finally going to eliminate racism, that's the first time ever.
Many people actually believe that such things are new, but ...
Nope, the Roman Republic did that (with about as mixed a success as we did. In some places, they succeeded. Elsewhere ...), and very likely ancient Egypt was a mixed white/black society at least for a period, as was Rome. Which meant the fight for equality is probably older than the concept of a building with first floor, as that didn't exist in the early Egypt. In other words: everything about humans, especially how society is organised, things like families, faith, law, state organisation, is not just old, it's very very very very old. Most of it probably older than the pyramids.
Spoiler culture is unprecedented in history. The idea of spoilers was invented by Hitchcock in the 1960s to sell more tickets for his movies. "Don't give away the ending!"