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Actually my point was that the US gets changes after they are tested elsewhere. You didn’t address that.

So by omission you’re saying that the US won’t be getting these encryption laws. And that Australian style gun laws won’t arrive in the US either.

Ok then.

> So by omission you’re saying that the US won’t be getting these encryption laws.

Wait... what? Do you always structure your arguments by putting words in other people's mouths then argue against things they never said. In doing so you're wasting your's and everyone else's time.

Not only are you wrong in you assertion. If you'd paid even the smallest amount of attention to the context in which you're posting you'd realise this. I'm the OP for this sub-thread, I suggest you read what I wrote.

Now that we've got that aside...

> And that Australian style gun laws won’t arrive in the US either.

Just stop.

We're talking about the Assistance and Access Bill. Stop trying to validate some totally unrelated belief you hold by loosely latching on to valid arguments that myself and others have made here. The reason I responded to you is that I want to make it perfectly clear to anybody reading this...

I do not hold your views. These are not related issues.

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