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> We also need the ability to survive ourselves breaking the law, because the law was created with the (at the time reasonable) belief that only important violations would be brought to the attention of the authorities, because most of us can’t get through the day without violating several

This is arguably the biggest problem of all. Selective enforcement is already a thing, and is only going to become a bigger problem. Just look at all the bullshit prosecutions that have happened in the UK over things said and done on social media.

Police are also increasingly keen on downloading the entire contents of people's smartphones (and prosecuting you if you don't give up the password). So anyone who comes to the attention of the police is at risk of having their entire life pored over to look for any other infringements.

That's an excellent reason to avoid smartphones.

Maybe Apple could fork the iPhone line with devices that retained nothing locally. That ran entirely in RAM, working with minimal data from iCloud. And which fully wiped RAM whenever not in active use. Basically like Tails.

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