Nexedi | Lille/Munich/Paris/Tokyo | ONSITE | FULL TIME and 4-12 months INTERNS. As usual we are looking for new colleagues and trainees to help improve our Free Software solutions. Our stack is FOSS only ( and we use it to provide custom industrial implementations. We offer neither fame nor fortune - you do need to be idealistic and passionate about Free Software to apply ( Candidates will do a programming challenge and 1 interview (2 for full time). We're hiring for:
- Nexedi | JavaScript Web Mesh Network | Lille | INTERN
- Nexedi | JavaScript Severless Web Messaging | Lille | INTERN
- Nexedi | Python AI and Big Data | Lille | FULL TIME/INTERN
- Nexedi | ERP5 AIOffice | Lille | FULL TIME/INTERN
- Nexedi | SlapOS 4G5G Telco Edge Computing | Paris/Lille | FULL TIME/INTERN
- Nexedi | Out-Of-Core Numpy | Lille/Munich | FULL TIME/INTERN
- Nexedi | Jupyter Lab Mass Deployment | Lille | INTERN
- Nexedi | Resilient Embedded GNU/Linux Edge Computing | Lille/Munich/Paris | FULL TIME/INTERN
About Nexedi: We are a team of 35 programmers (headquarters in Lille, France) creating Free Software since 2001 and providing custom implementations that range from collecting and analysing sensor data in windparks to managing product flows in car assembly lines. Unique features of solutions in our stack enable us to offer levels of scalability and durability required in industrial settings. We participate in European research projects, contribute to open source solutions and have time to play and experiment. We all use degooglized Chromebooks, have a flat hierarchy, paperless offices and no meetings. We hack in Python and (vanilla) JavaScript, plus golang and C if needed.