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So, does anyone have experience with other video websites, like Vimeo?

You can also just stick video on your own blog using <video> tags. It's super easy these days! No Javascript libraries or Flash required.

Here's an example on my own site: https://www.brainonfire.net/blog/2018/03/23/oxalis-leaf-open...

And here's the source code:

  <video src="https://www.brainonfire.net/hotlink/20180323-oxalis-timelapse/oxalis-160x.mp4"
    width="640" height="360" controls muted="true" preload="metadata">
    Video element not supported in your browser.
    Try this link! <a href="https://www.brainonfire.net/hotlink/20180323-oxalis-timelapse/oxalis-160x.mp4">oxalis-160x.mp4</a>
(The fallback content is totally optional, but a nice touch for curmudgeons like me who don't have A/V enabled in their main browser.)

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