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It's the other way round. Implementing daylight savings time ("summer time") moves the effective timezone 1 hour to the East. It's worse for Western European countries. Even CET normal time is already very lopsided. France and Spain should really be part of GMT.

I'd guess that if permanent summer time were instituted, France and Spain would drop back an hour (to permanent GMT+1 instead of permanent GMT+2).

Spain could even drop to GMT. Most of it is west of London, and that would align it with Portugal.

In fact, all of Spain is west of 7.5° east, which squarely puts it in GMT territory (there's a little sliver west of 7.5° west).

Does Spain want to be aligned with Portugal, though?

Reverse way for France

Summer time is equivalent of UTC+2 Winter time is equivalent of UTC+1

That's right. But I can't imagine France would want to be on +2 year-round. (Paris mean time is only nine minutes ahead of GMT.)

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