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There's a difference between using it deliberately and using it because the singer can't sing.

I wonder if in 20 years time it will sound incredibly dated, much like 80s synths do today.

I'm not particularly against auto tune and ultimately most people don't even notice it being used, but I do sort of understand where the GP is coming from.

If your idol can't actually sing, and you saw them live and it's rubbish, wouldn't you feel cheated?

Sure, I agree with you for the most part. Except that if you're going to see one of these autotune singers live with the hope that they're able to sound exactly like the record then you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Would you feel cheated if you found out that the magic show you went to in Vegas was just sleight-of-hand and trickery? :)

I personally dislike it too, but I'm not going to say it's not artistic, because to someone else it might be. People get so caught up and passionate with their art of choice that they sometimes forget that it's all just entertainment in the end. Whether it be Hillary Hahn or some teenager making beats in Ableton and throwing in the stock vocal effect.

About 80s synths, I think a lot of us, or at least I personally associate that cheesy sound with mass-produced digital synths put out by Yamaha, Roland etc. It's all variety and I love it. My dad still has a DX7 and a D-50 that I'm hoping to inherit.

A lot of people can't tell that someone's auto-tuned. They're not aware enough.

Like most people wouldn't even realise there's a bass line vs a guitar.

As for 80s synths, in my opinion there are a lot of otherwise great songs that are ruined by those travesties. I totally appreciate they were breaking new ground, but remastering some of those tracks with modern synths would make the songs sound a lot better.

The Killers, and many other tremendously popular (and talented) bands that have intentionally replicated the overproduced 80s sound, would like a word with you

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