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So this is a cool demo --and it has applications in cinema, MVs, etc. But, this is being presented as something which could allow Jane Q User to portray herself as an accomplished dancer --just transfer a style onto herself.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I think if we take this idea and walk with it, it has the potential to trivialize actual accomplishment. Maybe I'm overthinking it.

I think that's all it's intended to be right? A cool demo. And it looks pretty amazing for what it is really.

We're not going to see The Running Man style/quality fake videos any time soon, and the media kinda runs with this an exaggerates; making people wonder if camera footage may one day no longer be considered evidence.

We're far from that. At the most, the quality of the transfers here is about the same as what you'd see with Deep Fakes (celebrities imposed on top of pornographic models using computer vision and AI algorithms).

Are we really that far?

We ARE that far. Any deep fakes you see in the wild are the hobbyists applying the tech to the lowest common denominator. There are professional state sponsored groups creating serious fake video, easily manipulating presence of people at news worthy incidents.

I think you misunderstood my comment. The comment I replied to said we are far from realistic fakes. I was saying "are we really that far from realistic fakes?", not "are we really that far along?"

Like those janky Bin Laden videos from a few years back?

Interesting thought. One upside might be people learn accomplishments are to be enjoyed as a personal achievement rather than requiring social acknowledgement to be validated.

I suspect you are overthinking it, or at least should acknowledge that one needs to take the idea and walk a long, long way!

But, with that said, this work is dependent on having a "source" that the user is using as an input for pose detection. The actual accomplishment must still be performed and recorded, though I suppose this opens the door to the dance equivalent of "lip syncing" even beyond what might be done today with a body double.

Or perhaps you don't even need a human at all, according to this work: https://medium.com/syncedreview/busting-moves-with-dancenet-...

Just because calculators allow anyone to do complex arithmetic, that doesn't lessen the accomplishment of someone who can do it unassisted.

It will just shift it.

They said the same thing with any new artistic medium. Digital cameras, photoshop, Instagram filters, MIDI music instruments, etc.

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