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Hyperdom: A react like framework with (gasp) 2 way data binding (anmo.io)
4 points by paulgc on Aug 30, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Personally not a huge fan of two-way binding. As someone who has come from the C#/XAML world (where two-way binding can be abused), I found the pure-functional component strategy for React and similar frameworks to be far, far simpler.

Now, I do agree that it can lead to a bit of boilerplate, but this extra verbosity helps keep a simple mental model for us to reason about. Two-way binding can get very complex when you can have weird cyclical state changes.

I think weird cyclical state changes are a feature of your chosen framework. For instance I worked on an angular (1.x) project where we would routinely have these issues - in fact they were well documented. We ported the project to hyperdom and I've never seen an issue with state since.

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