This is not really true. Several things look quite a lot like MDMA, and one of the problems with Ecstasy tablets in Europe at the moment is that they contain too much MDMA for a single dose.
If you know this stuff you also know the taste and looks of the crystal and why eg it got the color it does. There is no easy way of knowing what is inside a tablet but the “pure” crystallized products are easy to recognize mdma especially. And it would have to be a damn big tablet to contain too much mdma... by bet is on what else is inside.
> There is no easy way of knowing what is inside a tablet
Chemical tests.
> but the “pure” crystallized products are easy to recognize mdma especially
Lots of the extended amphetamine family (including the various -drones) share very similar tastes, and crystallise very similarly. If you wash MDMA that contains these other substances you'll end up recrystallising those as well.
> And it would have to be a damn big tablet to contain too much mdma... by bet is on what else is inside.
Then your bet is factually wrong and likely dangerous.
Test your stuff. Know what you're getting, start low, and don't listen to people who 'know what the real stuff looks like'
I don’t disagree to starting low but definitely listen to people who knows where the good stuff is. Trusting your network is more realistic than having tested everything you get. In the perfect world I’d run around with a lab in my pocket sure....
The only foolproof-ish way of knowing what is inside a tablet is tests done by some rather precise, expensive equipment that separates elements into their component parts (chromatography), and then analyzes the mass of the separated components (spectrometry) and compares them to a database of known components. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is also an option.
It is unlikely most people will have access to equipment with the precision necessary at home. There is an organization out there ( that does anonymous GCMS tablet tests of MDMA in particular for $40 (and other substances for a higher price).
The typical tests out there for most people are reagent tests -- chemicals known to react with a desired substance to turn a certain color. Reagent tests are not foolproof -- the main thing you know is that if you do not get the desired color, you most likely don't have the correct product. It is possible to fool a reagent test. They are better than nothing for sure.
Taste, color, and crystallization are not really reliable ways of identifying the product.
Again you Seem to have little knowledge about the subject when you keep mentioning tablets.. mdma usally comes in crystal form and has a distinct taste. Ecstasy is a whole other thing usally containg amfetamine, ketamin and many other things.
No it’s true that anything can be poisoned even your beer leaving it on a table. Usally your supplier and the people in the culture will know what is good and where to get it... it’s only a concern I would have getting stuff from random people.
Your advice is terrible, I'm sorry, it's just awful. Your advising the use of drugs as 'safe' which present various dangers, you're advising eyeballing MDMA to know what's right, and now you're basically saying to trust your supplier.
This is all very poor advice.
Get chemical test kits, use drug testing services where they are available, be cautious.
And if you read my comments again I actually advice against most drugs. I’m arguing against comparing mdma with ecstasy pills which is pretty much impossible for the dealer or any to figure out what is inside but in regard to mdma crystals is much easier to reason about a clean product when you take others experience around you and looks and taste knowing it... but yes there is always a risk like leaving a beer unattended. This could be different but In my part of the world we can usally trust what we are provided.
> I’m arguing against comparing mdma with ecstasy pills
Which is pretty terrible itself, powders and crystals can be just as adulterated as pills. Relying on sight and taste to tell what you've got is very unreliable.
Always test your drugs people, and start low.