The wired to your goggles belt mounted computer strikes me as a hazard and source of potential discomfort, and is noticeably absent from its nearest competitor. Those cables aren’t break-away, so with your view of the real world dimmed by 80%+ and your FOV narrowed life could get pretty interesting.
OK, I have to go Google its nearest competitor now, to try to understand your point of comparison...
Edit: I think you're talking about Hololens, which does put all of the batteries on your head. Yes, I think you've correctly identified another company taking a different approach. And you've correctly identified the usability trafeoff associated with the belt-mounted battery. I maintain that the tradeoffs are such that we will see many companies using non-head-mounted batteries in order to support longer use sessions.
Hololens is notably not good enough, graphically. Neither is Magic Leap. I don't contest that you can do a not-good-enough head mounted computer