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Leo Editor (leoeditor.com)
257 points by type0 on Aug 15, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 108 comments

I've used Leo extensively for one large project, several smaller ones and all the DD work for 8 years until 1/1/2017.

It's a very good and well thought out program, it's a bit like a cross between emacs org mode and python programming environment (rather than lisp) geared towards literate programming but very useful for other kinds of applications.

I'd love to see a 'Google docs' style multi-user version of it, that would be an awesome tool, especially if it would be self hosted.

What happened on 1/1/17 to make you stop using it?

We badly needed a multi-user capable tool so I hacked something that replicates the 2% of Leo's functionality that we need to get our work done. It's far from ideal but two years on there are a few tens of thousands of nodes in the system and it has already far outlived it's expected life-span (as always...).

We really will do that rewrite one of these days though, especially with more than one job on the go at once the system will start to show its limitations.

Even so, for a three day hack it has done remarkably well.

Please write a blog post about it! That would be a great read :)

It's a one page PHP app that any HN'er could probably throw together in a day or two, and it would likely look better and work better than what I built so there isn't much honor in there, I needed a solution, not something that would serve as the basis for a nice write-up.

> two years on there are a few tens of thousands of nodes in the system and it has already far outlived it's expected life-span

This sounds like something that would be more than interesting enough for me to want to read, quite apart from the quality or complexity or ingenuity of the code itself. A nice write up isn't necessarily one that was planned as such at inception.

It's a few hundred lines of very ugly PHP, at a minimum I would have to do some housecleaning before posting the code and there is no upside for me, it was - and is - throwaway code and I can't wait until we have a viable replacement so I can kill it.

Side note: it uses a bunch of keyboard short-cuts to rearrange the tree by moving nodes around and JS absolutely sucks are reliably capturing ctrl-key combinations. Highly frustrating.

Long story short (and without the code):

The application presents a tree to the user, parts of which can be copied, each node in the tree is internally referenced by an ID which allows for multiple nodes having the same name attribute. Besides the name attribute there are tags, source (handy to keep track of where you found stuff), an answer to the question associated with that node, an advisory and a bunch of flags and priorities.

The layout is three panes, a top one with some links for commonly used functions and a search bar, the left hand side gives the tree and the present location in the tree and the right hand side shows all the attributes of the current node.

It features import and export in XML format of the whole tree or parts of it, the ability to attach pdfs and images to nodes (the images are shown inline in the parent node), to attach notes to nodes and to export to a different editor for report writing purposes (usually open office).

The web is amazing. That you can throw that together in a single small file of “throwaway” PHP and use it in production speaks to why the web has been such a successful platform.

I have been using it forever (over 10 years) to organize financial data and do taxes. While I should credit Python because these are Python programs after all, it is really Leo that enables me to easily keep data organized. Queries can be ran by easily running Python scripts inside of Leo with results directed to the log panel, turning Leo into a light-weight IDE.

For example the top node for accounting is like this:

  # accounting

  from datetime import date
  import pprint
  import math


  year = 2006




  ... more data


  inc_year(0) #update certain yearly balance records without 

  def runacct(argv):
      if len(argv) > 1:
        if argv[1] == 'q':
        elif argv[1] == 'g':
        elif argv[1] == 'h':
        elif argv[1] == 'm':
            if len(argv) == 3:
                monthquery(int(argv[2]), int(argv[3]))
        elif ... many other query options

  if __name__ == '__main__':
      from sys import argv

Interesting! How do you keep transaction records?

I use two classes to track accounts and transactions:

  class acct(object):
    # bank and brokerage account
    allacct = []

    def __init__(self, name, balance, holdings=None):
        self.name = name
        self.balance = balance
        self.holdings = holdings
        self.xferamt = 0
        self.accum = 0 # used to track cumulation ad hoc values

    def buy(self, sec, amt, cost, day):
        rec = trans(('buy', sec, amt), -cost, day, self)
        self.balance -= cost
        if not self.holdings.has_key(sec):
            self.holdings[sec] = [0]
        self.holdings[sec][0] += amt

  class trans(object):
    # transaction record object track cash invovled in each transaction

    allrec = []

    def __init__(self, t, amt, day, where):
            self.type = t
            self.amt = amt
            self.date = date(year, month, day)
            self.where = where

        except Exception as err:
            print t, amt, year, month, day, where
            raise err            
Then for each data line I just do any of the following:

  # classified by tax categories:
Then it is easy to query and do computations in any way one cares to write a function to do.

Thanks! Today I use Excel to track my accounts, but I've been looking for alternatives... Now I'll evaluate your idea.

You are welcome. This approach has worked well for me with over 10 thousand transactions tracked so far. It is very flexible as you can write your own IIR computation or match capital gains etc.

I've wanted to use this for a few years, and finally dived in this year.

The good: If you can wrap your head around it and spend a fair amount of time learning it, it is quite useful, and the claims on the web site no longer seem crazy. It's not my primary editor, but I can see I'll use this a lot (primarily an Emacs guy).

The bad: Very poor documentation. A lot of the stuff on the site is outdated (so examples won't work). In my experience, people on the mailing list will help, so it makes up for the poor docs - but it is kind of off-putting. There's a ton of stuff it supports that are mentioned nowhere in the docs.

Some hints: Learn how settings work, and dive into all the settings - you can do this from within Leo. You'll learn a lot more about Leo's capabilities that way (as well as make small tweaks to the pretty ugly UI). Changing a setting doesn't go into effect immediately - for that I think you can do:

M-x reload-settings (honestly forgot the command).

Some settings, though, involve quitting and restarting.

Also, it's not really a great editor. Its power comes from nodes and scripting. So become very comfortable with nodes, and try to learn scripting immediately. I'm still a beginner at the latter, and sadly the docs just suck. So I slowly try, ask, learn more, make my own notes, etc.

If I keep it enough to become much more knowledgeable, I'll probably end up writing a proper guide on using it.

It very much is similar to Emacs in the sense that everything is a command/function. So you can reprogram it to do whatever you want.

People use Leo in different ways...

I used to use Leo for notes on everything I was working on. The killer feature for me was the tree outline pane could clone nodes. So I could have one subtree of say Projects, another of say my Jira tickets, a third on Talks and Blog Posts. And then have clones of the current ones all together in a subtree called Current. I would adjust their order each morning as my prioritised To Do list for the day.

More recently, I have tried switching to orgmode. Some aspects are great. But I really miss Leo's tree pane 'table of contents' and its clonable nodes.

Not sure if it'll help but you might try the emacs package "Deft" w/org mode. I use Deft as a table of contents over a searchable directory of .org files and it works well for my purposes.

So you still use Leo or managed to switch to orgmode? I haven't used either, but have contemplating it. Currently, I'm using CherryTree, which is just okay.

I switched to orgmode. Mainly because I wanted to run the same core tools at work and at home.

At work we are not allowed to run random software; every package needs to be registered, source security-tested, compiled from source in house, put in an internal repo, and then installed from there. So while at home I could do 'pip install leo', at work it was a mess of tracing dependencies (Qt), getting them registered, etc, etc.

Plus at work, someone else had gone through this pain for Emacs and orgmode.

Just asking, why not just use a wiki-style note taking app instead?

Can you give examples of the apps you are asking about?

http://zim-wiki.org/ is a simple but featureful and stable one. Put the files in a syncthing or dropbox folder for sync :)

A quick search lead me to a program called zim-wiki [1]. It looks simple enough to be easily learned.

[1] http://www.zim-wiki.org

Ah yeah, Leo Editor. The Lotus Notes of the outliner-world. That thing is as powerful as horrible. So full of good ideas, and such a garbage in implementation.

On the good side stands the ability to have an programmable outline, paired with a good enough editor to handle the content of nodes. Then there also directives, which are basically special commands for inline-usage. Things like @wrap to wrap lines, or @language <value> to define activate language-specific handling for the following code. @language is especially useful because you can combine several in one node. Finally there is also the relativ open ability to customize things with python. All of this combined a regular workflow I still use with Leo is to create a node with several @language-blocks on a node. One for code, one for data, one for Documentation. Then call a selfmade-function which extracts the code and data and executes it and save the result in a new node in the outline. Very useful to transform or generate data on the fly. There are also directives to load/save external files, with support for some fileformats to automagically handle the outline.

But then again, on the bad side, as a dev I must say the whole projects has a horrible stench of foul code and ugly design. There is a huge amount of features which either work bad, don't work at all or even work in harmful ways (dataloss). The codebase is just a ragtag-compilation of random ideas from people which seems to have no clue about proper software development, and who are even proud to have come up with some shit they consider as smart. For anyone who wanna try out this software: don't except to much, and prepare for many hateful corners and a steep unnesseccary learning-curve. And save your data! Often.

Upvoted based on your selection of Lotus Notes as the apotheosis of good ideas wrapped in awful implementation. I've never used Leo but just looking at the installation process turned me off the entire idea.

I'm watching the videos and the nodes look like a powerful abstraction. I'm not a fan of some of the terminology, for example, "clones" are not really clones but the opposite: references

I think the conceptual difference between a clone and a reference is that clones have no hierarchy. If I have two clones, then removing either one will cause the other one to become the "original".


And in filesystems it's called hard link. Which might be more rasonable as we are talking about hierachies.

In case the author is reading this there is a broken link for "screen-shots", looks like a simple mistake of not including the root.

Working link to the screenshots-page: https://www.leoeditor.com/screen-shots.html

First, something which amused me:

> “Word outlines are very useful. But Leo makes Word look like a clunky toy.”—Joe Orr

Well, yes. Any text editor would make Word look like a clunky toy, because Word is a word processor. They don't do the same things, they aren't aimed at the same audiences, and they evolved different UI conventions because of that.

That nitpick aside: It being written in Python is nice, and the fact outlines give your document something like a DOM which is accessible in a Python object tree is nice. It might be possible to massage this into something almost as nice as macros for languages like C# or Java.

Has anyone used this, org-mode or other literate programming tools for a full team project at scale (whatever that means, non-trivial multiple months, lots of code)? Did the team have to buy in or were they already users? How did it go- did it improve.

I've used org-mode for about a year and a half and have found it helpful to to my productivity and feeling put together. I can see the potential for benefits to a team, but not many people want to learn emacs for a job if they don't already use it.

We use Leo to organize about 1000 puppet modules managing about 500 linux systems (50/50 real/virtual), of which 60% are "unique", a.k.a., pets, not cattle. Geppetto in Eclipse is the closest thing, but Geppetto only helps with puppet modules, not puppet nodes (hosts).

The good: Leo provides rapid access to understanding the complexity.

The bad: Leo XML file format is collaboration hostile, since resolving git conflicts in its multi-megabyte XML file is out of the question.

The ugly: I've got perl code to translate the XML file to and from a directory of several thousand small files, one per Leo node, and far more git-conflict friendly.

The worst: the version of Leo on which we're stuck used "sentinels" - specially formatted comments - to keep Leo's structure of the file in sync with external changes to the file. Never use that: use a new version of Leo and use its @clean format, which doesn't use sentinels. Not only are sentinels offensive to look at in the managed file, this version of Leo occasionally gets confused and tries to use "//" for puppet comments instead of "#". (Yes, some of what puppet (and thus Leo) is managing is php.) But we're stuck with this version of Leo, because when newer versions of Leo read our Leo XML file, many of the nodes lose their content, namely, a catastrophic lack of backward compatibility. It would take me at least a month of getting nothing else done to re-ingest our puppet configuration into a newer Leo.

@thyrsus (slightly off-topic)

I stumbled upon an old comment* you made about dealing with orgmode and noweb when editing an erlang file (bit syntax). If you didn't find it yet, at the end of the file, insert:

  Local Variables:
  org-babel-noweb-wrap-start: "{{{"
  org-babel-noweb-wrap-end: "}}}"
then you'll use {{{chunk-name}}} instead of <<chunk-name>>.


I've used vim (+eclim) for a full team java project at scale in the way you want. Everyone on my team was still using an IDE though.

Your project should ideally be independent of the IDE being used.

I missed every single one of those past posts, so I'm glad OP posted it once again.

There are many reposts that I'm also glad happen. They're often a reminder of something I've forgotten about and that I'm glad to see again, or sometimes they're just something I missed.

Reposts are great, but I also enjoy comments linking to previous discussions. It's nice to have a look at what was said before.

UI looks ugly as sin

So does a chainsaw. But it gets the job done quickly and with a minimum of fuss. Eye candy is fine of you put form over function, personally I prefer fast and effective. Pretty is optional.

I don't have to look at a chainsaw for 8 hours a day, either.

Foresters do and they would really be insulted if you made their main tool set look 'pretty' just for the sake of it. It's a tool, it needs to be reliable, powerful, easy to service and safe.

There are lots of chainsaws that look prettier than Husqvarna's and Stihl and yet those are the ones that most professionals will use.

They don't look at their chainsaws all day, they look at the trees they are chopping down. I don't look at the keyboard I'm typing on all day, I look at the editor/code.

So if the trees aren't pretty the foresters would bitch?

Really, you are putting way too much effort into this argument. I learned how to program on 40x25 and consider what I have today an incredible luxury, if you want you can customize Leo to look better but to me it isn't worth the time, I would rather spend that time on my work.

Conversely, if you're using a text editor all day you'll spend much more time looking at the text you are editing than the UI.

Also, if you ever actually use a chainsaw, please do look at it as you are using it.

I don’t think it has to be quite that black and white. It doesn’t have to have “eye candy” and it also doesn’t have to look like a 1998 Delphi project. Strive for the gray area and if that is not achievable... then yes, function over form.

If more things looked like a 1998 Delphi project, desktop UIs would be much nicer to deal with.

Feel free to use the extensive settings Leo has to customize it to your taste. Personally I prefer 'minimal' but I'm sure that if you work hard at it you can make it look pretty enough to suite you.

Fair enough but a chainsaw looks awesome.

They're pretty versatile too if you are good with them. You can easily sculpt wood with them and as long as you keep them sharp they are reasonably safe but you really should always wear ballistic clothing and a helmet.

Yep chainsaws are a very creative tool, as well as sculpture there's an amazing array of different notches and joins used for assembling log-built structures with little if any fastening hardware. And a well-tuned gang of climbers dropping a big tree, swinging from limb to limb with saws dangling from their waist, is a sight to behold.

I would put glasses, ear defenders, gloves and boots higher on that safety gear list, when cutting firewood, doing minor pruning and lopping etc.. Wear a helmet when doing anything bigger, although wood is very dense and you shouldn't expect a helmet to save you if a decent size limb comes your way. Technique is everything - learn from an expert before trying it yourself.

Chain sharpening is a mystical, ancient art, all the experts I talk to have a different view on the right technique, ranging from bench grinders to intricate jigs to simple "file and feel". I've tried them all and it basically comes down to experience. Just as important is the even wear of the bar itself, once its worn more on one side than the other the cuts bend like bananas and you can only cut so deep before the saw gets no purchase on the wood at all.

I think chainsaws are as pretty as IDEs - which maybe isn't saying much, but I love 'em both anyway...

Also it has some fascinating history:

> Joseph Buford Cox invented what is now known as the chipper type chain for chain saws. He based his design on the C-shaped jaws of the larva of the timber beetle. > He only reached the fifth grade in his formal education.

from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Buford_Cox

If you think that sharpening is complicated now, think again, it must have been impossible before this guy.

It also behaves as ugly as sin.

This app is on most parts pure gargabe. Most things are just hacked together as pet features to satisfy urgent needs on the spot, and then forgotten as things "work". And those things have grown over the last 20 years, while the dev has no real clue about modern software development or UX, leading to the mess this software is today.

But if you reach the point where you accept defeat to this monster, and ignore all features, it can become quite useful.

Could you please elobarate a bit, maybe give some examples?

I'd be interested to gain some insight into why you find Leo's UX pure garbage and how it should have grown over the years.

Well, explaining Interface-fails in short text is always a bit hard, but lets see.

The key F1 opens the help-widget, which is an area with text, located besides the editor. This area is just there, has now controls, no way to move it or close it. There is some text in it that explains this area can be closed with some shortcut, except it does not work. I don't even know whether it's a problem with my setup, because leo,has no way to check this. Just broken by design. Notable is that this hacked-in area seems to be used by several other functionalitys and plugins. All with the same fails.

Another strange quirk of leo is the minibuffer. It's something people knowing emacs will understand, for the rest, it,s just a strange line at the bottom of the window not explaing what it does, what purpose it has or how they can use it. But ok, that's how it is, just following some fade of unrelated culture. Really interessing is the usage. You enter some text, then hit tab to invoke autocompletion and surprise..in another part of the application, unconnected to the textwidget of the minibuffer switches a tab and some new widget appears presenting a list of possible candidates. Not that Qt hasen't a way to present autocomplete-lists, but thats just how it is. Quirky hackish, ugly. And of only working as ling as the tablist is not hidden.

Another funny part is the menu. Just look up what is weitten in them, what name, what order they have, and how this compares to the established names and positions in pretty much every other application.

Or let's take the configuration. Nodes with some directives in the outline. No actual documentation or discoverability in the app itself. No support to prevent failures. Not even instant-loading of changed settings. Restart the program, good enough 20 years ago, good enough today.

Or let's take the API: Single letter variable names. Objects with hundreds of unrelated methods and no documentation. Plugins which are just python-modules imported from the python-path, and not real plugins with actual structure and API.

Oh, and the worst, plugins which just don't work and functions which have no obvious result because someone forgot to refresh the outline. Though, this is probably just one of the endless number of obvious bugs one encounters at some point.

That's a good sign it's not going to hog memory and randomly lag doing simple things. Leave the cookie-cutter "polished" UI to websites, I prefer my desktop applications have some character.

Have you used it? It can lag like hell on the simplest things. Just because it's written in Python and Qt instead of Electron and Javascript doesn't mean it performs well.

Genuinely curious - which aspects make you lag.

I'm relatively new to it, but I did do a stress test once. Loaded several hundred (over a thousand?) files of source code. Apart from the initial conversion to nodes, it was fairly performant. Doing a cff on the whole code base was pretty fast.

I did have to disable the setting to poll for file changes, though. When you have so many files open, that will seriously slow things down. I believe this was over a network too (i.e. the files I was opening were on a remote machine).

Number of files doesn't really matter, at the end they all go to the same outline. Number of notes, complexity of the outline (clones), content loaded in the editor, that are hard numbers influencing the perfomrmance. But of course it also depends on the hardware.

On my old rusty system I usually experienced lags starting with some 10k nodes. Editor usually lags when content with longer lines (some hundred characters) or content with many lines (some hundred or thousand lines) is loaded. Directives in the content are influencing behaviour, as also the used syntax highlighting. Even activated features are influencing things of course. The declutter-code for example seems horrible ineficient and called way to often I think, but I haven't digged deeper there yet.

Though, it should be noted that in the last months some improvments were in progress, and the actual developer-version seems to behave a bit better on certain aspects. So version is also a factor.

My personal rule is to slim down leo-files when they go >10 MB.

I haven't, but I'm willing to bet whatever is causing the lag is a solvable issue. Even with loads of cash and time, no one has been able to make an Electron app tolerable.

What do they mean by outline?

Outliner - like emacs org mode or what Scrivener will do.


A tree based editor with nodes rather than lines.

nested "paragraphs"

I love outliners but I am firmly in the single pane outlines camp like Ecco Pro and Omni Outliner (org mode also?). For some reason, I just can't swallow the two pane UI.

I wonder if there has been any usability research on which model (single or two pane) is least obtrusive to flow of information to and from the user.

If here are some Leo people reading here:

The "Screen Shots" link is broken.

It should be: https://www.leoeditor.com/screen-shots.html

But currently it points to nowhere.

Wish JetBrains would add these features to their IDEs. We need more literate programming today, not less.

I've tried Leo a couple of times and like the concept _a lot_, but never got on with the implementation.

I agree with the need for more literate programming. Have you tried emacs with org-mode instead of Leo?

I'm a Windows user and so I've never really got into emacs. It's one of those pieces of software that like vim (beyond the ultra-basics) seems too daunting to get started with.

I heard about Leo about half a year ago. I got really excited, as from the way it was described, it mirrors the way I think. Unfortunately, I could not get it to run on MacOS.

Just installed it tonight.

High Sierra

Python 3 installed via Homebrew

pip3 install leo

Ran fine right out of the box.

I'll have to give it another go. I really wanted to try it out but was bummed that I could not get it running.

Yes it worked with `pip3 install leo` but not with `pip install leo`.

Same problem here

Since the title gives absolutely no information about what this is, here's the description on the site:

> Leo is a PIM, IDE and outliner that accelerates the work flow of programmers, authors and web designers. Outline nodes may appear in more than one place, allowing multiple organizations of data within a single outline.

I still have no idea what this is after reading the front page other than being yet another IDE.

I used it a while back in a previous incarnation of the editor. It is a "Outline Editor" for use in what is called "Literate Programming". My view of it was that you write documentation and embed code in the documentation and then you can use a mechanism the editor provides to output just the code (when you want to compile it or execute it). The editor made it easy to hierarchically organize and rearrange code the way you wanted it and had a way to output just the code for use in compilation etc.

The current iteration seems to have added more features while basically being a outline editor -- imagine keeping code in Emacs's Org mode and being able to compile it.

I liked it, but it felt like it didn't have all the bells-and-whistles of modern IDEs and required a different way of dealing with code.

> imagine keeping code in Emacs's Org mode and being able to compile it.

Something like this


The whole source code is in literate form in one org file.

well that is very cool. Unfortunately the original HN posts title failed to mention that was meant for embedded control systems which is probablly why I missed reading it! The HN post can be found here :-


and the literate source code is here ...


Nice. Someone actually used Literate programming to write something useful :-). The ferret org-mode info is very readable.

Perhaps the most insane example of literate programming is Axiom [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axiom_(computer_algebra_system...], which is several books worth.

It wasn't originally written in literate style, but it was a very large codebase which almost nobody understood. Tim Daly put an enormous amount of effort into making it literate, so that anybody can be introduced to it.

> imagine keeping code in Emacs's Org mode and being able to compile it.

Org mode already does that using Org Babel. I use it to take "code notes" (code blocks with their evaluated/compiled outputs with notes) for Python [0], Nim[0,1], Awk [2], PlantUML[3], etc.

[0]: https://scripter.co/notes/string-fns-nim-vs-python/

[1]: https://scripter.co/notes/nim/

[2]: https://scripter.co/notes/awk/

[3]: https://scripter.co/notes/plantuml/

Org supports that with Babel, right?

Didn't know about Babel, but yes, that's about what LEO offers too.

AFAIK LEO is limited to Python. Orgmode supports, I believe, 50+ different languages: https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages.html

When you speak about executing code, then yes, out of the box it's limited to python. But literate programming is not executing code, but templating text and generating output-files. Leo can do this with any language, and has syntax-support for the most important ones out of the box. Additionally it's realtive simple to extend the executing-support for any language you want. Leo is quite extendable in python.

Orgmode has support for both executing code and for literate programming -- incl. of course tangling and weaving -- in many, many languages.

I haven't tried it, but I believe it's easy/moderate to modify Leo to support other languages. It just supports Python out of the box.

Someone just has to come along and have a need for it.

Apparently one can use Leo like the Jupyter notebook, and indeed Leo can interface with Jupyter notebooks. I never tried that aspect of it, though.

Clicking on "A Brief Summary of Leo" yields the following:

    Leo is:
    A fully-featured IDE, with many features inspired by Emacs.
    An outliner. Everything in Leo is an outline.
    A data manager, data manager and personal information manager.
    A powerful scripting environment.
    A tool for organizing and studying computer code.
    Extensible via a simple plugin architecture.
    A tool that plays well with IPython, Vim and Emacs.
    Written in 100% pure Python
    Leo’s unique features
    Leo completely integrates Python scripting and outlines. Simulating the following features in Vim, Emacs or Eclipse is possible, just as it is possible to simulate Python in assembly language…
    All commands and scripts have easy access to outline structure via a simple Python API. 
    For example, p.b is the body text of the selected outline node. 
    Scripts have full access to all of Leo’s sources.
    Clones create multiple views of an outline. 
    Leo’s underlying data is a Directed Acyclic Graphs. 
    As a result, Leo organizes data in completely new ways.
    Scripts and programs can be composed from outlines using outline-oriented directives.
    Importers convert flat text into outlines.
    @test and @suite scripts create unit tests automatically.
    @button scripts apply scripts to outline data.

Here's the link: https://www.leoeditor.com/preface.html

And for those on small screens:


Leo is:


* A fully-featured IDE, with many features inspired by Emacs.

* An outliner. Everything in Leo is an outline.

* A data manager, data manager and personal information manager.

* A powerful scripting environment.

* A tool for organizing and studying computer code.

* Extensible via a simple plugin architecture.

* A tool that plays well with IPython, Vim and Emacs.

* Written in 100% pure Python


Leo’s unique features


Leo completely integrates Python scripting and outlines. Simulating the following features in Vim, Emacs or Eclipse is possible, just as it is possible to simulate Python in assembly language…

* All commands and scripts have easy access to outline structure via a simple Python API.

For example, p.b is the body text of the selected outline node.

Scripts have full access to all of Leo’s sources.

* Clones create multiple views of an outline.

Leo’s underlying data is a Directed Acyclic Graphs.

As a result, Leo organizes data in completely new ways.

* Scripts and programs can be composed from outlines using outline-oriented directives.

* Importers convert flat text into outlines.

* @test and @suite scripts create unit tests automatically.

* @button scripts apply scripts to outline data.

(because there is no toplevel comment saying this):

it is emacs' org mode on steroids. If you don't like org mode, move along.

...And some of the side effects of the steroids are already showing (e.g. "you can embed html in markdown". Really? So it is now an html renderer with markdown 'shortcuts'?)

Markdown has supported inline HTML since conception: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/

org-mode (as a community) is way more powerful then leo will ever be. But org-mode (as a fileformat and majormode for this fileformat) is of course limited in the abilities it can offer in comparision to leo, because an app abstracting way the content is always more powerful then the raw content.

Anyway, it's not hard to add the missing outline-features that leo offers in a seperate mode. org-agenda and org-brain are already doing something like this. The question is just whether people really want it. Org-mode has a different philosophy from leo in terms of outlines..

What does Leo have that org doesn't? I use org a lot.

Mostly the clones feature. The most common use case: If you get a bug report, you can put the bug report, portions of the code related to the bug report (which could be spread over several source code files), any tests and test collateral related to it, all in one tree. When you make changes to the code in that tree, the corresponding source file will get touch.

Also, things like "Find all functions that contain some string and put them in a tree" is trivial, and used a lot.

These are out of the box. You can then script more advanced stuff in Python.

Even though it's all Python, it seems to handle heavy loads well. I once opened all the source code of my project at work (0.5M lines of code). It took a long time to load them the first time (initial conversion into nodes). But once I had them loaded, I could save it as a project and reopen easily. Then searching the whole code base for a string was pretty fast as well. I don't know how well Emacs can handle thousands of files...

The literate capability is really trivial as well. If you're coding with Leo, you likely will start using basic literate constructs. It's just natural.

But don't read too much into the comparison with org mode. I use org mode and Leo for very different things.

EDIT: never mind, I see the clones are references that can appear in multiple places.

Wouldn't narrowed views in org-mode accomplish the same?

>Wouldn't narrowed views in org-mode accomplish the same?

No. Narrowed views only let you see a subtree. This is about gathering nodes from different parts of the tree and putting views into them under another node.

Let me give some detailed examples - starting from some basics.

In Leo, if I open a .cpp file, it will make a node out of each function. If I edit any node and hit "Save", it will update the cpp file with the change. In Org mode, you can copy/paste code from an existing .cpp file into an org document, but the two are now distinct. A change in the org file doesn't affect the .cpp file. The best you can do is use tangle/weave - but that would involve a fair amount of work to convert your whole project/file. And probably won't play as well with the rest of your coworkers as Leo will.

A trivial example: I've cleaned up many of our .cpp files where we had multiple classes in one file, and the methods were all over the place. Since each method was a node, it was easy for me to group together all methods of each class so they are not scattered around the file. It was absolutely trivial.

Now to the bug example. You have a bug you need to explore. You have a Leo project that has all your source code. At the top level, you'll have a node called "Code". Under that, each file will be another node. Under each "file" node you'll have a node for each function. Back at the top level, you have another node called "Tests" - also hierarchically structured by type of test.

So now you create another top level node and call it "Bug". You can put in notes (e.g. Bugzilla ID, or copy/paste relevant portion from the bug text here). So now what you do is find all parts of the code that you think are involved in the bug. Make a "clone" of their nodes, and put them under your Bug node. So now those functions appear in two places - under the "Code" node, and under your "Bug" node. A clone is basically a "view". If you edit the text of a cloned node, all of its clones get updated. So you can now happily edit code under the Bug node, knowing that your files are getting updated. You can also clone relevant tests and again put them under the Bug node, and fix your tests. When you're done fixing the bug, just delete the "Bug" node.

A simpler example: My work involves some rather large classes that are essentially singletons (i.e. a hack to use global variables without calling them that). This causes headaches. So sometimes I need to know all the possible places in my code base where one of its members is updated. In Leo, with one command, I can tell it to search all the nodes for that string, make clones of them, and put them under a top level node. So now under that node I have all the places the variable is touched. Easy to quickly examine. This really sped up the rate at which I would understand unfamiliar parts of the code.

BTW, you can get deeper than the function level. I've often taking a long function and split it up into nodes. So some of my code explorations involve nodes that are parts of functions. It is quite easy to break up a function this way in Leo.

Clones of headings (nodes) is the main thing, IMO. I'm an org user and don't have any special use for clones, but it is a neat feature. I'm pretty sure that Org overall, though, has many more features than Leo.

org mode is already on steroids. I guess this must be on DMT.

Then you'd never get anything done and spend hours saying


How is it better than orgmode? Which would be better for note taking?

OP didn't say better, rather "on steroids". Have you met steroid users?

Thanks. That is one of the funniest, most offbeat comments I have ever read. It was a snort-milk-out-your-nose kind of laugh.

I did, they were the more powerful and less durable cousins of chimpanzees.

My favourite term of emphasis is "on manifolds".

Cloning, or better: referencing nodes, is a feature I really miss in org-mode. Having both a list of tickets that I worked on and the list of current tickets, all having the same data, for example.

Considering how extensible org-mode is, I wouldnt be surprised if someone added this functionality to org-mode

Some years ago I tried to use Leo but could never really get in the "groove" of it. Now that I have more experience with outlining and have bumped into the limitations of what I use now, it deserves a second look.

Is this how internet looked in 60s?

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