But they're _probably_ not installing exploits on the entire logistics chain "haystack, at least not exploits with the level of sophistication they'd use on a high-value "needle" with an evil maid (or an evil customs inspector) attack.
Also - the Australian Government banned the NBNCo from using any Huawei gear in out National Broadband Network. Sadly that's _probably_ either just racist political point scoring, or effective lobbying (or outright bribery) from the non-Chinese based network gear companies - rather than any real intent to improve security based on evidence from people/organisations capable of making that sort of determination...
Also - the Australian Government banned the NBNCo from using any Huawei gear in out National Broadband Network. Sadly that's _probably_ either just racist political point scoring, or effective lobbying (or outright bribery) from the non-Chinese based network gear companies - rather than any real intent to improve security based on evidence from people/organisations capable of making that sort of determination...