They went after HP, as well; at stake was whether anyone else in the world would be allowed to make a windowing GUI.
I find it fascinating that so much of the nerd world can never let go of hating Microsoft, but Apple, who have a far worse track record, get a free pass.
The "nerd world" of today is nothing like what it was.
Much of the "nerds" used to identify as geeks, to separate themselves from what is these days labeled as "neckbeards".
the influx of media/design people via web dev, and them bringing with them their Apple "religion", has altered the landscape.
Back when i first go interested in computers, never mind first got online, just about the only people owning a Mac were people deeply involved either with print media or music.
The twofold change was that web design/development branched off from print media, and OSX bringing an off the shelf unix.
I find it fascinating that so much of the nerd world can never let go of hating Microsoft, but Apple, who have a far worse track record, get a free pass.