Not OP but if you're looking for a way to learn CS fundamentals thru practice I would strongly recommend trying to write a Gameboy emulator.
The project is challening but has a pretty rewarding feedback loop. Along the way you'll understand how high level concepts like grphics are implemented on top of hardware, computer architecture, cpu behavior, memory access, interrupts and timers and so on. It'll also challenge your software design skill and project planning. It might not be the best project if you are more interested in cs algorithms though, but I can't really think of anything that has a more enjoyable feedback loop.
The project is challening but has a pretty rewarding feedback loop. Along the way you'll understand how high level concepts like grphics are implemented on top of hardware, computer architecture, cpu behavior, memory access, interrupts and timers and so on. It'll also challenge your software design skill and project planning. It might not be the best project if you are more interested in cs algorithms though, but I can't really think of anything that has a more enjoyable feedback loop.
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