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You are projecting. Everything is always in a constant state of chaos. Order comes from the mind that decides to see order. Order is born into the mind that is born of chaos.

My world is not turned upside by anything. My world has been turned upside down more times than I have numbers to count with, and I believe in Cantor's infinity of infinities.

When I find out about some cool identity, I go with it.

The thing is, so do you.

Local assumptions are garbage. Adapt faster. That's the rule.

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." - Friedrich Nietzsche

9/10 times someone complains about politics, they're complaining about those uppity minorities trying to get into their castle. There is a kind of toxic politics that forms in excess order, but in my experience it's rarely what people mean.

Maybe I'm wrong about you. Chaos!

I'll add this experience to order when I find order useful.

I don't think that's what happens.

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