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Reverse Engineering Wipeout (2015) (phoboslab.org)
90 points by crummy on July 15, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

One of my all time favorite games and I’m sure for other oldtimers/oldskoolers. I still got the original PS1 along with Wipeout and the memory card with my records :-) I think I’ll have to revisit it someday.

You'll love BalisticNG, it's like playing the original with better resolution and framerate.

I tried Formula Fusion on Steam (made by former WipeOut devs) but it just wasn't the same. The tracks were boring and the music may as well have been non-existent.

I'll give BaseNG a try though!

I have a PS1 emulator on my S8 specifically so that I can fire up WipeOut 2097 from time to time.

The linked model viewer is great: http://phoboslab.org/wipeout/

Coincidentally enough, I had Future Sound of London on when I checked this out. Very appropriate!

It’s funny how uncanny-valley that was for me; I eventually narrowed it down to the camera not getting a speed increase while going over the boost pads.

This article got some interesting discussion on reddit, especially the threads from this comment:


Great music too.

What recent game comes close to Wipeout? I've looked at FastRMX and Redout (both on Switch) but they don't quite do it for me.

I haven't played it myself but user 1ko recommends the following: "You'll love BalisticNG, it's like playing the original with better resolution and framerate."

Wipeout HD Collection on PS4 is the best bet. They patched in VR support a couple of months ago as well.

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