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Show HN: Announce and discover GitHub repos (tool.cards)
66 points by iatek on July 13, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments

Why only GitHub? Is it because of MVP? For this to really stand out for me it would include more major repository sites like Gitlab and maybe even personal project servers so it could become the go-to place to find projects. Especially since the exodus caused by the GitHub debacle a few weeks ago.

Agreed :( I wanted to semi-plug my latest weekend project (I'll do it here instead! https://gitlab.com/stavros/caduceus), and I couldn't. Github is not the only place code lives, and I don't think it'd be that hard to add a few more, although I guess the author takes icons/descriptions/etc from the GH API so they'd need one integration per site.

I should have put exodus between quotes indeed. I haven't followed the numbers lately but I figured the voice would have been louder than the action. Let alone the people who already moved back to GitHub.

But I have always felt I could never discover projects outside of GitHub. Partly because adding GitHub as keyword to your search often gives the best results.

On a project I work on I even push the repository from Gitlab to GitHub just for the exposure.

So a good alternative to GitHub being the de facto open source project discovery site would be nice. That said I don't hate GitHub and I'm happy I can find almost everything I need there.

And you've got to remember that imported projects are just that. I imported one of my projects, took it for a spin, and as a result of that am still happily using github.

Yep, it's an MVP at this point so we'll definitely consider adding GitLab. Thanks for the feedback.

Great idea, but why in the world do you require so many write privileges??

This application will be able to read and write all public repository data. This includes the following:

Code Issues Pull requests Wikis Settings Webhooks and services Deploy keys

Thanks for the feedback. This is how the auth scopes are defined for the GH API. Anything less wouldn't allow it to pull the repo info when using http://icodedis.tool.cards/#/submit

I've used the GH API extensively, and this is a common misconception. The default (no scope) allows you to access public repository info (source: https://developer.github.com/apps/building-oauth-apps/unders...).

This GH app, for instance, received similar feedback and its author removed the offending scopes without losing functionality: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11261953

Isn't this app reading the trending repos feed? I don't see where it pulls specific repo details. Anyway, I'll explore the default scope again.

Hey! So, this project looks really interesting. I work at GitHub on the Partner Engineering team, we'd be happy to help guide your implementation to follow our best practices and help drive its success. Feel free to reach us at partnerengineering@github.com!

This is why I love HN.

I would definitely love to use this after you've made updates to the ACL. Could you please post a follow up when you've accomplished that.

I don't see the need for more visibility of github hosted projects. Many self-hosted projects on the other hand could profit from an aggregator.

feedback: I had a hard time using the site until I whitelisted dozens of third-party css, images, js, cookies, frames and XHRs. The umatrix list is HUGE.

>Vote up or submit your favorites.

But we already have stars on GitHub.

Well it sounds like this is more to have a centered Reddit-like forum for open-source projects on Github. It's more for discovery rather than saving.

You could make the same argument for Reddit by saying "But we already have bookmarks on the browser."

Great idea, but I find a bit ironic that "I Code Dis" can’t be submitted to itself because it’s not open-source. Do you plan to open the code at some point?

Very nice, thanks for creating and sharing this.

If I may make a suggestion, can you tweak the layout/design for a better mobile experience?

I can only read the first three or so words about the repos when scrolling through the list.


I wish we as an industry would agree on an icon standard. I noticed SourceTree for MacOS looks for `icon.png/jpg/gif` in the root folder of a project.


I wish github, gitlab, this and other repo related software displayed those by default. Less work, more fun

Sorry to ask that annoying question that people tend to ask, but how does this differ from https://github.com/trending?

I guess it’s based on user votes rather than GitHub’s algorithm to rank repositories?

Isn't Github's algorithm itself based on user votes (stars)?

Does this provide value other than seeing how popular a project is?

Many times I've had repos that simply never get any attention and it's very hard to get on the GH "trending" list. This gives developers another opportunity/place to show-off/launch their projects. It's a project discovery mechanism other than https://github.com/explore Popularity on ICodeDis is not based on GH stars.

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