We need superstar hackers to solve some really hard problems.
Keep terabytes of data in sync. Extract relevant information from large data sets with intelligent indexing, machine learning, and NLP. Display results extremely fast on the web and mobile phones.
We use Python + Twisted, JavaScript + Node.js, Objective C, Java, PHP, and/or whatever you're an expert in. It's early so you'll have a huge impact.
Investors include YCombinator, Bret Taylor (Facebook), Paul Buchheit (Gmail, AdSense), and Ron Conway (everything).
We need superstar hackers to solve some really hard problems.
Keep terabytes of data in sync. Extract relevant information from large data sets with intelligent indexing, machine learning, and NLP. Display results extremely fast on the web and mobile phones.
We use Python + Twisted, JavaScript + Node.js, Objective C, Java, PHP, and/or whatever you're an expert in. It's early so you'll have a huge impact.
Investors include YCombinator, Bret Taylor (Facebook), Paul Buchheit (Gmail, AdSense), and Ron Conway (everything).
(no telecommuting at this point)