This is an attempt to make an educational online game, where the mission is to build a microprocessor starting from simple logic gates.
Hopefully it is both fun and challenging, while at the same time educational about some of the fundamental principles of how a CPU works.
It still lack some explanatory texts, but is should be playable as it is.
It is inspired by the first chapters of the brilliant Nand2tetris course (and I have gotten permission to use the same general CPU design). My hope is this is more accessible since it is web-based and does not require any text-based coding or CS background.
This reminded me of "Code" by Charles Petzold, which I saw you reference in the About page. As a software engineer with an interest (but no professional training) in hardware design, I think it's useful and interesting to have at least a basic understanding of how a CPU handles logic.
Can I ask what library (if any) you used for the canvas interactions? I'm looking for something similar for a project of my own.
Thank you.
I'm using Angular, but no library beyond that. I was looking for a library for the diagram, but didn't find anything that suited my needs, so it is just custom code. I would like to find a library which could draw nicer arrows at least, since the diagram currently gets pretty confusing when there are many connections.
Would be awesome if you compare your answer to the "best" solution, i.e. which uses the minimum number of components (or even the minimum number of nand gates!)
Great idea! I don't know the optimal solutions, only that each task can be solved. Perhaps someone smarter than me can prove that a certain solution is optimal. But I could record the solutions provided and show if someone else have solved the task with fewer components or less nand-gates.
It would also be cool to show the overall cost in nand-gates or even transistors. And to be able to show the solutions decomposed into only transistors and wires.
Didn't know Euclid the Game, but it seems very cool and close to what I wanted to achieve.
Gate count is interesting from a "how much would this const to make" perspective, but I think minimum clock cycle time is a more interesting metric, as that will show how fast you can run the thing. Maybe a two dimensional plot? It would be very interesting to have a worldwide "leaderboards" section with a dot on the plot for every entry, and a link to see how they did it.
Interesting idea, but how should this be determined? Would it be a "cost" per transistor and wirelength, and then the minimum clock cycle time would be the "worst case" path through the circuit?
Thanks, it is a very cool idea. I wanted to make the game really simple and accessible, but there seem to be interest in optimization challenges like finding the smallest/cheapest/fastest possible solution.
I'd be happy to have a crack at the optimality part. The first few are obvious but it gets quite interesting. Email my username at if you're interested =]
If you have a look at any Zachtronics games you can see one way of doing it. It is just a leaderboard represented as a histogram. A separate one for instructions, cycles, etc. No need to know the best, just keep track of what other people have achieved.
I'm not a huge fan of the fact that when I want to drag a component, if I initiate the click&drag on the little "i" information button, it lets me drag the component but when I release it snaps back to the previous location and opens the info.
Perhaps a toggle for the info boxes on components?
I had a lot of fun with MHRD but I hope the developer some day updates it to not be a sluggish Java implementation. The puzzle of working through all the levels was a fun throwback to my processor design courses 15 years ago, but the unresponsive typing in the IDE was a little less so.
I'm enjoying this; but it looks like a few of the levels might be out of order. In State Selector uses Decoder in the library but it is before decoder. Then in the Arithmetics the "Bus" comes into play before it's described (I forget exactly which ones are out of order)
The usual convention for logic gates is to draw them so that information flows from left to right (or, less usually, top to bottom) and they're connected in the direction of information flow. Is there any reason why these conventions aren't followed here?
In the full adder level, shouldn't the input/output table in the specification read 01 for the h/l on row 3? Had me a little confused trying to get my head around how the adder works.
I'm really enjoying the whole thing though, great work!
Holy crap! this brings back memories. I actually did this many years ago with real logic gates, eventually ending up with a 4-bit CPU that could address an entire 16 nybbles of RAM. That was so much fun!
I wanted to send a bit into two separate components and I was looking for some sort of "hub" object. It wasn't clear (to me) that you could connect many lines to a single node.
Removing lines takes a lot of clicking.
Is my design the best possible? Rather than just being told my design fits the requirements, I'd like to be told that I could have done it with one less component and offer to try again.
You need to special case "target a", it should be 1 in case bit 15 is 0. The error reporting could definitely be improved. It should probably display the exact mismatch, something like "with input XXX connector Y was 0 but was expected to be 1". Otherwise it gets to tedious to debug.
The m issue is a bug in the spec, thanks for discovering it.
Thank you for the feedback, it is much appreciated.
As for debugging, why not just put checkboxes in the input-output lookup table(s) shown on the left. And highlight the currently input line + mark wrong outputs. I think that would be intuitive.
To further build on this; If there is an intermediate state, show its pins in the diagram like output and input. If the table becomes wide, perhaps show it on the bottom. Perhaps let users add a "debug probe" from the toolbox that becomes a column in that table.
I've looked through the code a bit, I think your assembler is actually buggy. The expected results for the tests are correct, however the encoded instructions that you're feeding to the decoder are not.
For example, A=1 should be 0x89F8, but you're encoding it as 0x8FE0. This causes the tests to fail despite the logic being correct.
Thanks! I think this could be improved further by changing the names of the destination and source flags (all four of them) to make things clearer.
While I'm at it, here's another bug: the last test of the program engine feeds a 5 into j, which breaks things because the counter doesn't expect it at all.
Also the final level doesn't have any tests but I'm sure you know that.
I want to add that besides some issues that have already been pointed out, it's a really nicely made tutorial. I went through all of it pretty fast because I already have a good background, but I would definitely point a beginner to it as a learning resource.
Thank you for finding the bugs! It shouldn't even be possible feed a 5 to a one-bit connector.
Yes I think I shot myself in the foot by designing the connectors so the labels could only be one or two letters. There is no technical reason they couldn't have descriptive labels like "clock" rather than "c". But it would probably require to turn the design "on the side", so the connectors are left-right rather than top-bottom.
This is really awesome. I just killed about an hour playing it part way through.
I was saddened by the fact that I lost progress when I left the page. It would be nice if progress could be save via cookies or something.
One other thing that would be nice is the ability to offer hints. These could even be just an external link to relevant material on wikipedia or equivalent.
I can't figure out why this isn't accepted as an answer for latch? Admittedly there's probably something simpler, but this seems to adhere to spec..
The design does not seem to fully adhere to the spec. If you have output 0 and both w and d is 0, and then set d=1, then output changes to 1. But output should only change when w=1. Admittedly the specification is not very clearly written.
Really nice! Ideas for features i missed: Reset button. Way to see diagram of previous components. Level goal text is not equal to whats shown left. Possibly mislabeled C in full adder level. Hint option to show the count of needed components.
In the chapter on RAM, it says we can index upto 64KB of memory in a 16 bit architecture. Shouldn't it be '128K words of memory', since we can index '2 words' with a single bit.
You are correct, the text is wrong. It should be 128KB, not 64KB. A word is two bytes (on a 16-bit architecture) so we can address 64K words which is 128KB. (I think you mixed up byte and word in your comment, but I understand what you meant.)
The explanatory text for the level does not really define neither "byte" or "word", so beside fixing the error it also need more details. (But I want to avoid going down the rabbit hole of explaining that bytes can have different sizes than 8 and so on)
Thanks! A possible solution [spoiler alert!] is inv(add(inv(input), inv(0)) where inv(0) is an inverter without any input.
By the way I suppose the subtraction component should be available in this task. This would make is simpler. I had trouble deciding if increment should be before or after subtraction.
I had more fun with this than I expected to. The only problem is that I got to the Full Adder level, then clicked on "About" and when I went back, my progress was not saved. It would be nice to have a way of saving and a way of showing how I built each component.
Yes that is annoying. Also all progress is lost if you leave the page. I am considering saving the state in local storage so you can return to the page and continue where you left of. Also a great suggestion to save previous levels so you can go back and review them.
Hopefully it is both fun and challenging, while at the same time educational about some of the fundamental principles of how a CPU works.
It still lack some explanatory texts, but is should be playable as it is.
It is inspired by the first chapters of the brilliant Nand2tetris course (and I have gotten permission to use the same general CPU design). My hope is this is more accessible since it is web-based and does not require any text-based coding or CS background.