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Why might the installation instructions require the creation of a new user specific to the sorting program? Purely for security of the normal user given that the installation is using a wget / shell script process? https://sorting.cr.yp.to/install.html

I thought this guy was joking

> djb presents djbsort, a constant-time djbsolution to a djbproblem you probably don't have. To install, just unpack djbsort.djb and run the ./djb script. Make sure you have djbtools installed first


This is bizarre. Why not just give users link to the source?


And it's certainly not about good security practices:

* The page teaches users to paste stuff copied from web into a terminal, whereas many terminals are still vulnerable to this: https://thejh.net/misc/website-terminal-copy-paste

* The page teaches users to use su to lower privileges, whereas many (most?) su implementations are vulnerable to tty hijacking.

"The page teaches users to use su to lower privileges ..."

In the example, he could have used his own utilities for dropping privileges (setuidgid, envuidgid from daemontools).

If I am not mistaken, busybox includes their own copies of setuidgid and envuidgid, meaning it is found in myriad Linux distributions. I believe OpenBSD has their own program for dropping privileges. Maybe there are others on other OS.

Instead he picked a ubiquitous choice for the example, su.

It is interesting to see someone express disdain for the version.txt idea. I had the opposite reaction. To me, it is beautiful in its simplicity.

As a user I like the idea of accessing a tiny text file, version.txt, similar to robots.txt, etc., that contains only a version number and letting the user insert the number into an otherwise stable URL.

This is currently how it works for libpqcrypto.


I would actually be pleased to see this become a "standard" way of keeping audiences up to date on what software versions exist.

By simplifying "updates" in this way, any user can visit the version.txt page or write scripts that retrieve version.txt to check for updates, in the same way any user can visit/retrieve robots.txt to check for crawl delay times, etc.

It is not necessary to "copy and paste" from web pages. Save the "installation" page containing the stable URL as text, open it in an editor, insert the desired version number into the stable URL.

Save the file. Repeat when version number changes, appending to the file.

I like to keep a small text file containing URLs to all versions so I can easily retrieve them again at any time.

I wonder if it is an instinctive reaction to the common complaints (no, relatively, easier packaging or installation routes) to djb softwares. It was previously seen in TweetNaCl [1] which is arguably an irritated response to libsodium [2] which in turn wraps djb's NaCl library [3] in the way djb considers suboptimal [4]. djb is known to be not very interested in the modern packaging systems or practices, so it might well be his way to protest them.

[1] https://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/

[2] https://download.libsodium.org/doc/

[3] https://nacl.cr.yp.to/

[4] Page 3 in https://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/tweetnacl-20140917.pdf

Yes, presumably to run the build as a user which is as unprivileged as possible. Which is a reasonable idea, though it might seem paranoid in today's `curl | sudo sh` world.

I actually really like the authenticity and humility of DJB including that in the instructions. I think it's likely many people trust his code (and he's certainly written a lot of extremely security sensitive stuff), but of course it's a much better practice to not trust him quite so much.

> humility of DJB

Really? This is software where the author named it after himself, claims that it holds a new speed record with no comparisons benchmarks (just references a single number from a paper in 2015), uses the word "easily" FOUR times in the limitation-section without any links or explanations, and doesn't reference any other libraries/resources/software/solutions.

Knowing DJB and his track record those are just facts.

Authenticity, sure. Humility - not after his approach to the students issue in recent years where he was more interested in being correct then helping people :-(

I was talking to another person in the community, now this was well over a decade ago, maybe two, with the initials "DJB". He said: "I went onto IRC once. I was mistaken for Daniel Bernstein. It was the most awful 15 minutes of my life."

I spoke to another fairly famous person a few years later, let's say author of the authoritative book on one of the alternatives for one of djb's software packages. He said something along the lines of: It's a shame djb gets along so poorly with other people, because he has a lot of good ideas.

So, agreed: Authenticity but not humility.

What is " the students issue "?

I don't want to add more bias from my side, so I'll just point you at https://twitter.com/hashbreaker/status/845057003642933248 https://twitter.com/hashbreaker/status/845072847705919488 as starting points. You can google a few articles, discussions via the names involved.

"...where he was more interested in being correct then helping people"

That does describe him pretty well.

Yes, I think so; djb is not the sort of person to reccomend you run arbitary shell scripts from the internet as root.

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