The first mistake in the article is using smstools. Having personally had to deal with smstools for the past two years, using Gammu SMSD or even a paid SMS Gateway would have been a better choice.
Granted, this was on OpenWRT using a frozen version of smstools and largest issues were with trying to get Å, Ä & Ö to work (fun times with UCS-2/UTF-8/WTF-8 and Latin1/CP-1502/ISO-8859-1). It sure was an experience and in the end, the problem was blown away by just using UTF-8 (which had the unfortunate side-effect of doubling the amount of sent messages due to the space taken by the encoding).
What puzzles me is how easily large entities go for services that send from a random phone number (for example, VR in Finland sends "mobile train tickets" via random numbers that change with every message) where as some opt to "fake" the from number to have the company/service name.
Granted, this was on OpenWRT using a frozen version of smstools and largest issues were with trying to get Å, Ä & Ö to work (fun times with UCS-2/UTF-8/WTF-8 and Latin1/CP-1502/ISO-8859-1). It sure was an experience and in the end, the problem was blown away by just using UTF-8 (which had the unfortunate side-effect of doubling the amount of sent messages due to the space taken by the encoding).
What puzzles me is how easily large entities go for services that send from a random phone number (for example, VR in Finland sends "mobile train tickets" via random numbers that change with every message) where as some opt to "fake" the from number to have the company/service name.