I did an experiment a couple of years ago where I wanted to see if I could write code 1 pomodoro a day. I recorded myself in asciinema. It's basically several 25 minute pomodoros of me implementing Core Wars (a VM for machine language programs that battle against each other) in Ruby. I hadn't written Ruby in a while and I was more interested in playing experimenting with a TODO list for being efficient with such a small amount of code per day, so the code is not really fantastic. However, if you are interested I did about 60 pomodoros, I think: https://mikekchar.github.io/core-wars-kata/
It's a super old version of asciinema (I haven't bothered to update it). Also, I recommend increasing the playback speed using the '>' key a couple of times so you don't have to suffer from my pathetically slow typing.
It's a super old version of asciinema (I haven't bothered to update it). Also, I recommend increasing the playback speed using the '>' key a couple of times so you don't have to suffer from my pathetically slow typing.