Well, i haven't read Snow Crash. I read about it on wiki and decided to skip it. But i admit, while I was reading i got bored in between because pace had slowed down and then I skipped a few dozen pages , read a few lines and skipped way more and read more because wanted to know about the end as I was becoming really impatient. Anyways after reaching the end, i felt guilty that I skipped through a lot. A few days later I started reading again from the point I began skipping and in the later parts , i got to know that I had misunderstood some parts while skipping, so it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Also, some space stuff would have been better explained with a rough diagram.
I guess, I got bored in between because I was reading a novel after a really long time. also, I got to know about Neal and this novel via Bill Gates' summer reading list a few years ago.
I would say Seveneves was more science focused than Snow Crash, which made it a better fit for his style. If the science bits don't do anything for you, I mean, ...