I worked on a motor controller that had a problem with PWM IC frying.
Turned out the real problem was when the control signal was over-driven a comparator would latch up. Which would cause both power transistors to turn on. Blowing a 'protection' [1] fuse on the negative supply rail. And then the negative power supply would reverse. And kill the PWM controller IC.
Not a fan of latching OP-Amps and Comparators.
[1] Tip: fuses don't protect circuits from damage they prevent your POS from burning the house down.
Turned out the real problem was when the control signal was over-driven a comparator would latch up. Which would cause both power transistors to turn on. Blowing a 'protection' [1] fuse on the negative supply rail. And then the negative power supply would reverse. And kill the PWM controller IC.
Not a fan of latching OP-Amps and Comparators.
[1] Tip: fuses don't protect circuits from damage they prevent your POS from burning the house down.