I setup http://FeedmailPro.com about a year ago. It's a freemium product that I built to meet my own needs.
The site is now being used by about 700 blogs, only about 20 of them are paying $10/month which covers hosting costs but isn't much money otherwise.
The site has the potential to be bigger, but I don't currently have time to work on it as I'm working full time at a y-combinator startup and FeedmailPro is just a side project. And I don't want to just leave support requests unanswered and stop maintaining the site as a good number of people are using it now.
So I'm not sure what I should do. Could the site be sold or donated to someone else? If so where would I list it for sale and how could I find someone trustworthy to take it over? I could just close up shop but it is being used by a number of people now who have come to depend on it. Merging the service into someone bigger like MailChimp would be another option if I could get a meeting with those folks and they were interested.
Any ideas?
For support-related tasks, find someone that will do the support for a percentage of the new revenue you realize with some version of the suggestion below.
Tell all your existing, un-paying customers that in 30 days, you're going to start charging $19.99/month for it, but if they sign up before the pricing starts, they're in for $9.99 (or $12.99--whatever floats your boat). Leave all your existing customers happy by not charging them more.
You could also consider an annual subscription model where they pay either $240 a whole year, or $199 if they sign up before the date of the price change.
A lot of your customers will say no and leave, but some will likely say yes and contribute to your top-line. Either way, you'll make more money than you're making now. Be sure to explain why you're charging: E.g.: I think the service is valuable and in order to keep it running, I need to charge something for it.
THEN, once you have more paying customers, you can either sell the app and charge more for it or sit back and have a pssive revenue stream.
UPDATE: @ barmstrong, If you're not interested in the above and decide you DO want to sell it, contact me and we can talk about me buying it from you.