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Now you see here lies the problem. No one knew that who was using appfabric. We just got crapped on with this blog post and got told to move on and take our self hosted stuff to azure which at the time was a ball ache:


The result of this is, to use the words I used at the time “well fuck you then” after we were told that this was the veritable jesus’s sandals of a product and the future of service oriented architecture at MSFT.

Now there’s a 180 on that post since, which we never checked up on because how would we know when we buggered off to memcache and foot the bill for the whole WCF and WWF rewrite debacle after 3.5. Then grumpily headed towards AWS and it was comfortable there. And now it’s open source and stuff (which judging by lesser parts of the ecosystem like SCVMM stuff on Linux) is probably going to be an abandoned wreck.

As always the marketing and roadmappery is crazy, disparate and impossible to track. We have no idea what direction MSFT is heading in, who is calling the shots and what’s going to happen next.

Which is the point. The maturity curve for MSFT software is a narrow window between two and five years. We can’t afford to rewrite our platform on that cycle.

And thus everyone leaves for greener pastures full of snakes, elephants, penguins and Bezos.

Fair point on MSR however.

I understand the situation, but have to disagree here. Let's face it, this industry is always in flux and things change, that's the only constant there is. However Microsoft is one of the best in the world at maintaining product support and backwards compatibility, often through decades. You can still run apps on Windows written in the 90s. You can even upgrade from DOS through Win 10 and still have a working operating system at the end. [1]

Yes, some small MS projects die, but overall you can still run almost all the old stuff, and interop and upgrade to the latest when you're ready. AppFabric extended support is through April 2022 [2], which is 4 years from now. It's possible you never got an update about it but regardless, they still support it. That being said, the cloud has changed everything and there are just more options now. In-memory distributed computing particularly has seen an incredible pace of progress with everything from Apache Ignite to Apache Spark so I think you would likely have more work to keep up with changes had you gone with another stack from the beginning.

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l60HHWWo9z4

2. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appfabric/2015/06/19/micros...

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