I think particularly at _this_ time, when he is writing his good bye, this is the time to apply the principle of charity, this is the time to remember the good things he's done, and not the bad.
Remember that he's one of the guys consistently disagreeing with Trump (which is still rare amongst republicans).
Trump may be awful, but he's not the same flavor of awful as Krauthammer is. He'll soon be forgotten anyway. It isn't important to the armaments manufacturers just who gets them their wars. For that reason, all the many disagreements that reasonable people have with him should be raised now, so that he might actually see those disagreements. Who knows, he may ask God for forgiveness before he rolls off this mortal coil.
Elsewhere you said The point of an opinion piece is to lie, cajole, trick, etc people into accepting your opinion or viewpoint.
It seems you may be doing that right now. You're calling Krauthammer a war criminal, which is patently false. He may be wrong-headed, but since he never actually acted in the war, never served as an agent of the government, it's flat-out false to refer to him as a "war criminal".
You can have your own opinion, but you've got to build it on some foundation.
stop acting like "war crime" is some universal objective term that we can all agree to. It isn't.
Ummm. Yes it is well defined. And what you're complaining about isn't in that definition.
On July 1, 2002, the International Criminal Court, a treaty-based court located in The Hague, came into being for the prosecution of war crimes committed on or after that date. ...
Remember that he's one of the guys consistently disagreeing with Trump (which is still rare amongst republicans).