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A strong majority of the population derives direct pleasure from sexual stimulation. And you can physically act on that stimulation, frequently, in all sorts of ways.

A very small minority of the population literally derives pleasure from simulating murder. And you can't act on that / do it in reality to drive the stimulation further, unless of course you want to murder someone and take on the very high risk consequences.

Or put simply, sex is radically more popular than murder.

The difference in popularity between the two is over 10000x.

A sex simulator will typically have a direct, considerable physical consequence to you in real life. Murder simulation very, very rarely will have that - at least until or unless VR gets hyper realistic.

Idk mang. Murder simulators have always been the biggest chunk of the gaming market. From Battlezone to Mario, to Counterstrike to Fortnite, the idea is kill those other fuckers before they kill you.

Reread what I actually said. I didn't say violent video games weren't popular.

I said very few people derive direct pleasure from simulating murder in eg a video game. When you stomp on a bad guy in Mario, you are not feeling the serial killer equivalent to some kind of sweet orgasmic reaction high to murdering a fellow human with a butcher knife in real life. There is no connection at all.

To put it into movie terms: a lot of people enjoy action movies (which include violence), the latest flick by The Rock etc, they're exciting. A dramatically smaller share of the population enjoys watching highly graphic, gruesome, murder movies like Hostel or Saw. And that's not the person simulating murder, that's second hand, watching the simulation of it, and the drop off in popularity is extreme.

People are not having fun in GTA because they get off on actually murdering people and their sole physical outlet for it is relegated to a video game. All of those players aren't actually lusting after wanting to slaughter their fellow humans.

You can simulate sex in VR, or watch porn, and then go have sex, jerk off all day, etc. There's a direct connection.

Very, very, very few people murder or actually want to murder; some extremely high percentage of the population wants sex, has sex, jerks off, etc.

I really don't see what the difference is. Historically, people have gotten off on killing the enemy. People revel in it

I find this explanation amusing given the endless articles about how little sex is happening IRL for youth today.

The more movies, games etc we have to meet such needs, the less we seem to want the real thing. This actually strikes me as reducing the risk of pregnancy and STDs. On top of that, actual studies show that increased access to porn correlates to reduced incidence of sexual assault.

I think there's no question the pursuit of sexual stimulation hasn't declined one bit, despite a supposed decline in youth pursuing sex (or perhaps more plausibly they're simply being exposed to circumstances that enable stray sexual encounters a lot less often due to changes in socializing; as opposed to an actual decline in wanting sex).

An extremely small percentage of the population feels any motivation related to wanting to murder other people. Murdering people isn't very popular at all, and drives no pleasure for 95%+ of the population, despite the attention it stirs in media.

Somewhere between a very large minority and a majority of the population spends a large share of their teen and adult lives being motivated by wanting to have sex, sexual intimacy, etc. with other people.

Most people are biologically driven to want to have sex with other people. An extremely small number of people are similarly biologically driven to murder (perhaps a near zero population).

Potential sex partners are sometimes very willing and cooperative. Potential murder victims not so much. In fact, they may attempt to kill you in self defense. Afterwards, the rest of society will want you behind bars for a very long time.

If you are sexually clueless and try anyway, it's embarrassing and you go have a good cry and write about it in your diary. If you have no idea what you are going and try to kill someone, well, there's still that issue that they may fight back and then the cops get called afterwards.

I think there are a few holes in your theory. Repeating it to me over and over doesn't fill them in.

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