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Probably not. Container services really shine when you have a lot of different teams that all need to launch services and not worry about what happens at the hardware level or where they run. This makes sense at a lot of large companies like Facebook and Google where they have a dedicated team running the container layer. GKE makes it a bit easier but then you're locked into Google Cloud.

If you're only running a few services it really doesn't make much sense to setup Kubernetes. I setup a small cluster a few weeks ago and it certainly was a lot more involved than I expected. I ended up deciding not to use it, since it didn't really add much (for my use case) and I felt like if anything went wrong I'd be in a world of hurt trying to debug it.

Took a lot more time to setup Kubernetes than my entire current deployment system which uses https://github.com/pressly/sup.

However, dockerizing your projects might not be a bad idea depending on what you're doing. I dockerize a lot of my projects since it makes it super easy to deploy when using the automatic Docker Hub builds. Though I did have a problem where Docker upgraded and make all of my existing containers unrunnable.

    I felt like if anything went wrong I'd be in a world of hurt trying to debug it.
This is the part very few k8s aficionados mention: how complicated is it to troubleshoot when something goes wrong?

The core k8s, not that bad, once you've learned where to look - logs on pods, events, and kubelet logs from journalctl. That last one is important not to forget when debugging plugin controllers.

Not to mention when folks talk HA and you ask about federation they just give you a blank stare.

k8s is HA in the same region if you are using GKE. Not really what you can call HA

Google just posted a blog[0] about multi-region clusters and ingress.

It's a little hacky as you need to create multiple clusters in each zone/region and then with an anycast IP attached to a Google Cloud Load Balancer.

[0] https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2018/06/How-to-deploy-g...

Hacky is not production ready.

Its not hacky in that sense. They provide a new kubemci tool and I'm sure it will be given the k8 release treatment.

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