> Right, but historically there are lots of instances of projects that abandoned JITs because they didn't get a performance improvement. JIT compilation reduces instruction dispatch overhead, but it also, unless accompanied by sophisticated profiling techniques, adds the overhead of JIT compilation time, which can easily swamp the improvements.
> Lua JIT is one of the most sophisticated dynamic language JITs out there, so it's hardly evidence that a simple implementation of a JIT will perform better than a good bytecode interpreter.
I meant that even a basic JIT can offer the same speedup as LuaJIT's interpreter, and a lot more work went into the latter.
> The problem is less acute for server side apps because the programs run for a long time, so that the initial compilation overhead is insignificant. However, there's a reason that you need a JIT to make Ruby fast rather than an ahead of time compiler. Ruby has so few compile-time guarantees that you need to do a lot of dynamic specialization to get really significant performance improvements. So compilation might still be triggered even after a script has been running for a long time.
The initial results of MJIT for simply removing the instruction dispatch overhead and doing some basic optimizations are a 30-230% performance increase on a small but real-world benchmark. No type specialization and specular optimization required.
> I'd add that PyPy, which is also very sophisticated, is often not much faster than CPython, and in fact is slower for some types of code. Writing good JIT-based implementations for dynamic languages is really a tough problem. See e.g. the following post for some explanation of why:
Most of the discussion about PyPy is completely irrelevant for the discussion about MJIT. PyPy isn't a method JIT. PyPy traces the interpreter itself and tries to produce a specialized interpreter. It works even worse at optimizing Ruby code via Topaz.
True! I just checked again and Topaz is indeed almost twice as fast as CRuby on optcarrot. I think I got it mixed up with the non-JIT Rubinius numbers.
>The initial results of MJIT for simply removing the instruction dispatch overhead and doing some basic optimizations are a 30-230% performance increase on a small but real-world benchmark. No type specialization and specular optimization required
So, this amounts to a small improvement for some types of code. Indeed, it is "easy" to get that by "just" using some basic JIT techniques. The trick is to get consistently better performance across the board. Relevant tweet at https://medium.com/@k0kubun/the-method-jit-compiler-for-ruby...:
>I've just committed the initial JIT compiler for Ruby. It's not still so fast yet (especially it's performing badly with Rails for now), but we have much time to improve it until Ruby 2.6 (or 3.0) release.
> The trick is to get consistently better performance across the board.
This will come with the rest of the opimizations Takashi has planned for Ruby 2.6. Ruby-Ruby method inlining, which is almost finished, is a huge one for improving Rails performance. IMHO there's no real point talking about Rails until it's working in some form.
> >I've just committed the initial JIT compiler for Ruby. It's not still so fast yet (especially it's performing badly with Rails for now), but we have much time to improve it until Ruby 2.6 (or 3.0) release.
I'm not saying that MJIT (or whatever implementation) will never be fast. I'm just saying that in general, it is not trivial to get performance improvements by writing a JIT. My original comment said nothing about Ruby.
This is simply not true. You're massively underestimating the overhead of a bytecode VM. Even the most optimal bytecode VMs are easily beaten by the simplest of JITs in 100 lines of C: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1604.01290.pdf
Code doesn't even need to be "hot" to make it worth it. WebKit switches from interpreter to cheap baseline compilation, without an specular optimizations or type information, after only 6 calls of a function: https://webkit.org/blog/3362/introducing-the-webkit-ftl-jit/
This article literally describes how baseline JIT is worth it simply to remove the bytecode VM dispatch overhead.
It's not clear to me why you think that the linked article shows that naive JITs perform better across-the-board than well-written bytecode interpreters. The reported speed improvement from JIT itself is a mere 2.3x, and the listed benchmarks mostly involve numerical code, where JIT tends to be effective.
A simple JIT can get you to the point where you reliably outperform a bytecode interpreter for certain types of code. What takes a lot more engineering effort is reliably performing at least as fast as a bytecode VM for all types of code.
MJIT is completely different to PyPy. Their problems are simply not relevant to MJIT. MJIT is already just as fast as standard CRuby when executing complex Rails code, minus the small overhead for JIT compilation: http://engineering.appfolio.com/appfolio-engineering/2018/3/...
PyPy is a much more ambitious design, completely replacing CPython, and using an unusual JIT scheme of tracing the interpreter itself and trying to produce an interpreter optimized for particular traces of your code.
It was much harder for that approach to reach the same level of general performance than it seems to have been for CRuby & MJIT.
> Lua JIT is one of the most sophisticated dynamic language JITs out there, so it's hardly evidence that a simple implementation of a JIT will perform better than a good bytecode interpreter.
I meant that even a basic JIT can offer the same speedup as LuaJIT's interpreter, and a lot more work went into the latter.
> The problem is less acute for server side apps because the programs run for a long time, so that the initial compilation overhead is insignificant. However, there's a reason that you need a JIT to make Ruby fast rather than an ahead of time compiler. Ruby has so few compile-time guarantees that you need to do a lot of dynamic specialization to get really significant performance improvements. So compilation might still be triggered even after a script has been running for a long time.
The initial results of MJIT for simply removing the instruction dispatch overhead and doing some basic optimizations are a 30-230% performance increase on a small but real-world benchmark. No type specialization and specular optimization required.
> I'd add that PyPy, which is also very sophisticated, is often not much faster than CPython, and in fact is slower for some types of code. Writing good JIT-based implementations for dynamic languages is really a tough problem. See e.g. the following post for some explanation of why:
Most of the discussion about PyPy is completely irrelevant for the discussion about MJIT. PyPy isn't a method JIT. PyPy traces the interpreter itself and tries to produce a specialized interpreter. It works even worse at optimizing Ruby code via Topaz.