...No? Why would I? Corporations exist to be leashed so society can derive benefit from them; people do not. To compare the two is to commit a category error.
So it would be ok to enslave a group of people, as long as you call that group a corporation first? A corporation is a group of people, and people can certainly be rude to a group that they are in just as much as a group can be rude to its members.
No, it is not. Not any more than a person is a group of cells.
Corporation is a completely different creature than a person, even though it's
composed of many people (though note that only partially, as corporation is
also composed of procedures and processes, and probably some other elements).
The procedures and processes don't come from the outside of the group; they're decided on by the members of the group. This is true for all groups, even book clubs and people standing around on the sidewalk outside of a restaurant waiting for their reservation.