I'm going the other direction - I've been in embedded/systems since forever, but focused mainly on mobile since forever .. and now I'm more and more convinced that the insanity of hell that is mobile development, is no different than the putrid festering cess-pool that is web, and the only way out is to write yet another host app, with its own ecosystem-supporting embedded script capabilities, turn the whole thing inside out and write all of my own damn GUI controls, subscribe to nobody's slippery gravy treadmill, and just say no: to all the things.
Like the DOS days, if you don't have your own GUI lib, gtfo... I know its an offensive position, but frankly I find the big web con, and all the fancy dancing of mobile, to be just as offensive.
Like the DOS days, if you don't have your own GUI lib, gtfo... I know its an offensive position, but frankly I find the big web con, and all the fancy dancing of mobile, to be just as offensive.
Lua all the things.