Assyria (bottom left) was able to push a couple underdefended cities early thanks to their unique unit [1] which is exceptional at city-taking, however was stalled by unit buildup from neighboring civs. In the lategame, Greece (top left) mounted a massive attack enabled by their quick discovery of Chemistry, which allowed them to produce far-superior cannons [2], around turn 364 (5:00). The next to obtain cannons were the Ottomans, at turn 377 (5:11), but after a few moments of back-and-forth battle, they were overrun by Greece's superior numbers. After the collapse of the Ottoman defense, Greece was easily to defeat the remaining civs piecemeal, thanks to their overwhelming production advantage.
The top right corner didn't end up being dominated by one Civ until quite late in the game. The bottom left was the only corner who wasn't equipped to take advantage of that, at the very least by the fact that a portion of the military capacity of the region was turned inwards instead of towards the regions neighbors.