This reads like it was written by someone who doesnt play or appreciate games, or even know much about the artform.
The point that is brought up several times, that they are classist due to their cost..
If you cant afford a game, or dont want to support its publisher or business model, but still want to play it. Just pirate it. Most games are readily available to pirate.
Games have simply become as film, and novels and all other art forms these days. You have the good stuff, which is cheap and indie and obscure, and innovative..
And you have the bad commercial stuff, which is very homogeneous and repetitive and 'safe' and is heavily marketed and designed to have the broadest and most shallow appeal. Its simply another business where X investment yields X*Y return (where Y is positive)
So, the equivalent of blockbuster Hollywood films, or airport novels.
If you have an interest in a particular medium you will quickly learn to avoid the bad stuff and learn where to find the good stuff.
To be fair, like with any art form, there are good and bad works at all levels of commercial activity. There are fantastic indie projects no one has heard of, fantastic triple A/blockbuster titles that make millions and great games from every level of obscurity in between. Same with the terrible stuff.
But as you mentioned, if you're interested in a particular medium, you'll soon realise what's good and what isn't. And there's always enough to fit pretty much anyone's tastes too.
My implication wasn't that I am mature for not liking games.
Only that liking games is immature -- which doesn't imply that not liking games automatically qualifies one for maturity (it's a necessary, but not sufficient condition).
Nor does it imply that I and those who share my opinion consider themselves mature (a non-X person can still make claims about what constitutes being X, and those claims can even be perfectly correct -- doubly so in a subjective, non-well defined, topic, like what constitutes maturity).
The point that is brought up several times, that they are classist due to their cost.. If you cant afford a game, or dont want to support its publisher or business model, but still want to play it. Just pirate it. Most games are readily available to pirate.
Games have simply become as film, and novels and all other art forms these days. You have the good stuff, which is cheap and indie and obscure, and innovative.. And you have the bad commercial stuff, which is very homogeneous and repetitive and 'safe' and is heavily marketed and designed to have the broadest and most shallow appeal. Its simply another business where X investment yields X*Y return (where Y is positive)
So, the equivalent of blockbuster Hollywood films, or airport novels. If you have an interest in a particular medium you will quickly learn to avoid the bad stuff and learn where to find the good stuff.