Way way too complicated, needs a setup and configured postgres install, why use an RDBMS when it could have embedded sqlight and avoided all that sysadmin stuff
Agreed, this seems like a perfect fit for SQLite. It's not like you need massive concurrency, and you would have avoided all this administrative burden. Too bad, that's literally the only reason I chose not to try it. FreshRSS seems very nice too, but is also a hassle to deploy (what with apache/nginx and a bunch of requirements).
Deployment difficulty is why I wrote my own: https://github.com/rcxdude/nobsrss . It's super easy to deploy, but it's super minimal (unlike the way a lot of people seem to use RSS, I just use it for notifications, so all I need is a link to the actual website).
Huh, that's pretty cool, although I'd like it if it marked items as read when I clicked on them. You can easily achieve that by adding a URL route to read an item, and when a user visits that, you mark it as read and redirect to the real URL.