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Try giving up eating all animal products. Good luck not losing weight then. Big weight loss has been an unintended side effect for everyone I know who's gone whole food plant based.

So, uh, I haven't actually read 'Moby Dick' in paper. I read almost everything on the kindle, so I'm not always as conscious of the 'heft' of a book as I might be. It's a wonderful book, and really grabbed me to the point where I couldn't put it down, and I finished it rather quickly and with little effort because of that.

Anyhow, I remember the first time I mentioned that it was a reasonably fast, light read to someone else, and they reacted like I had asked them to read "Atlas Shrugged" or something. Like, apparently, reading anything longer than a medium post is a whole lot of effort for most people, even if it's actually good.

I think about this every time a thin person tells me how easy it is to lose weight just by avoiding certain foods and, you know, eating a reasonable amount of said foods, or "just being more mindful." "It's easy" - I mean, I'm sure it is easy for you, and that's great! But some of us need to monitor our intake. I mean, I'll sit there and scarf a pound of pecans in a sitting, if I don't expend significant will to stop myself, and at what, 200 calories an ounce, I don't have to do that often to remain fat. And fruit juice? I think a significant portion of my gut is composed of that delicious fresh orange juice that the local taquaria will squeeze for you (and serve in those giant cups)

Of course, I don't yet know if monitoring my calories in and out will be enough to actually get myself to a reasonable size or not. I've only been doing it for two weeks or so. But I have been a vegitarian, and in and of itself, that doesn't solve the problem.

Massive difference between vegetarian and whole food plant based.

I hear what you're saying, but I didn't mention the word easy, just that everyone I know who has switched to a whole food plant based diet has lost weight, whether they intended to or not.

So eating a pound of pecans would be no problem. The orange juice on the other hand isn't WFPB

There are people who switch to potato chips or pretzels. There are quite a few pretty fat Buddhist monks.

Neither of which are whole food plant based.

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